Category "android-animation"

Lottie working on an Emulator But not on real Device

I have lottie library in my project built on react-native. followed These installation steps on an android, but to my surprise the animation works on fine on em

Animation yoyo keep run when typing Edittext

when typing edit text yoyo animation keep run how to keep typing show animation Once ? text_send.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Ove

Jetpack Compose recomposition animation

Is there any easy way to animate Composables appearing/hiding? I tried to implement this using AnimatedVisibility and AnimatedContent, but in my particular case

Event synchronization issue in an Android app

Here is an issue I am facing in an Android app. Please let me know if I need to give more information. There is an animation running inside the app. And while i

Jetpack compose how to animate multiple values

I have couple of Path elements in my Canvas and would like to do some complex animations with every one of the Path lines. I am not sure how to approach this. L

Smoothly animate BottomSheet peek height

I'm trying to animate the height of the BottomSheet on layoutChange, but I can't get anything to work. I've tried several tutorials without luck. Currently the

Add Listener to ObjectAnimator using Lambda

I have set-up this objectAnimator that I need to add a listener to: val animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(star, View.TRANSLATION_X, 200f) .a

The child view set to app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" cannot be displayed

The child View of ConstraintLayout is set app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" to hide at the bottom of the screen. Just after entering the Activity, wh

Android transition animation does not work in API below 26

I tried to create a profile preference like WhatsApp where the profile photo is shared with the profile activity. I used the following code which works properly

How to achieve the layering effect of one Composable on top of another when showing a dialog using Jetpack Compose

I'm hoping to understand how I can achieve this behavior using Jetpack Compose in Android when displaying a dialog on top of the current Composable view. Desire