Category "android-animation"

Animation yoyo keep run when typing Edittext

when typing edit text yoyo animation keep run how to keep typing show animation Once ? text_send.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Ove

Jetpack Compose recomposition animation

Is there any easy way to animate Composables appearing/hiding? I tried to implement this using AnimatedVisibility and AnimatedContent, but in my particular case

Event synchronization issue in an Android app

Here is an issue I am facing in an Android app. Please let me know if I need to give more information. There is an animation running inside the app. And while i

Jetpack compose how to animate multiple values

I have couple of Path elements in my Canvas and would like to do some complex animations with every one of the Path lines. I am not sure how to approach this. L

Smoothly animate BottomSheet peek height

I'm trying to animate the height of the BottomSheet on layoutChange, but I can't get anything to work. I've tried several tutorials without luck. Currently the

Add Listener to ObjectAnimator using Lambda

I have set-up this objectAnimator that I need to add a listener to: val animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(star, View.TRANSLATION_X, 200f) .a

The child view set to app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" cannot be displayed

The child View of ConstraintLayout is set app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" to hide at the bottom of the screen. Just after entering the Activity, wh

Android transition animation does not work in API below 26

I tried to create a profile preference like WhatsApp where the profile photo is shared with the profile activity. I used the following code which works properly

How to achieve the layering effect of one Composable on top of another when showing a dialog using Jetpack Compose

I'm hoping to understand how I can achieve this behavior using Jetpack Compose in Android when displaying a dialog on top of the current Composable view. Desire