I have an app that uses the single activity and multiple fragments approach and I use the NavController for navigating. Unfortunately, when navigating to a Frag
I'm looking for the following design in my android app: I want the main screen to be a TabLayout with 3 tabs, and a ViewPager2. From each one of the 3 fragments
I try to send values of my data from one fragment which is contains Instruments to HolderList which is contain Holder data for comparing values in ArrayList of
I am trying to get current location in a map fragment but unable to do so because LocationRequest.create() is not wokring. Neither works: LocationRequest l = ne
I'm wondering how to pass runtime parameters to a ViewModel's constructor while using Hilt for DI? Prior to using Hilt, I have a ViewModel that looks like this:
I am currently trying to create a calendar app in android studio. The app contains a calendar with different "Views" e.g. monthly view, weekly
I added a Preferences Fragment to an application. I am using an ActionBar drop-down menu to navigate to the Preferences Fragment and also using the ActionBar's
I am trying to enable Dark Night Mode in my App which is working though but when I restart the app it goes to again Light Mode basically I want to save Dark Nig
I'm facing this random crash while navigating to a Fragment via deep-link which is declared in the navigation graph file. I'm using navigation component library
I'm new to the development scene and I'm just trying my hand at fragments. I have an onClick event defined in one of my fragment XML files, but when I click the
I am using Navigation component to navigate between two Fragments. The landing fragment has a recycler view and the detail fragment has a view pager. I am using
I working on android app with navigation component, I want to show a pass-code view when app return from background, I don't know the best way to achieve that,
I have a bottom nav with 4 fragments Home, Following, Notification, and Profile, there is no issue with the bottom navigation on backstack , but now for eg from
I wrote a simple espresso test in which I launch a fragment with the following code: package com.example.fragmentedittexttest2 import android.util.Log import a
I'm trying to create a single activity app using android architecture components. I have a fragment A which has some textfields, when user pushes a button I nav
What I have done: I have created Navigation Drawer Activity, As updated new format of Navigation Drawer Activity, As per new Android architecture, I got it with
I have a button in fragment A and when I click on fragment A, I want it to be redirected to fragment B. How to achieve this in kotlin? Right now I am using this
I want to use the default Navigation Drawer Activity of Android Studio (v. 3.5). After creating this default activity (New Project --> Navigation Drawer Acti
I'm trying to pass from MainActivity to Fragments (by using ViewPager, and TabLayout, if it will help you anyhow) user's latitude, and longitude. The thing is,
Okay, so I'm not sure, what exactly triggers that. But I have a suspicion. Sadly it will get hard to make a MWE, since it is a very complex app with lots of fra