Category "android-jetifier"

Duplicate class found in modules?

I tried adding Installreferrer to my app after adding it to gradle, when rebuilding the app. I'm getting this error. Duplicate class foun

React Native Execution optimizations have been disabled for tasks sudden error

So i was creating a react-native app and started working on it and everything is fine but suddenly these errors appeared from no where when i reloaded my app ,

Failed to transform file 'some-lib-release.aar' to match attributes {artifactType=processed-aar} using transform JetifyTransform

I have a project with 2 modules: an app (Java) with build types debug, release, and enterprise and a Kotlin library (release and debug) used by the app. I'm us

Failed to transform moshi-1.13.0.jar (failed for task biometric_storage:kaptGenerateStubsDebugKotlin)

I pulled a team's project that is made in Flutter from Git and for some reason when building the app (pressing the green arrow in Android Studio and running mai