Category "android-navigation"

Android why are two identical Fragments created when navigating with NavController

I have an app that uses the single activity and multiple fragments approach and I use the NavController for navigating. Unfortunately, when navigating to a Frag

ClassNotFoundException in navigation graph android

I saw this crash over firebase and it is not reporducible in the emulator of same OS. Not sure what is causing it. Crash is occuring in samsung M32 OS 11. The c

Fragment backstack with NavDeeplinkbuilder usgin Navigation components

I have single activity app using navigation components. I have three fragments: WelcomeScreen -> HomeScreen -> MovieDetailsScreen. I use Notification in m

Fragment backstack with NavDeeplinkbuilder usgin Navigation components

I have single activity app using navigation components. I have three fragments: WelcomeScreen -> HomeScreen -> MovieDetailsScreen. I use Notification in m

android navigation component: Show view above current showing fragment when app come from background

I working on android app with navigation component, I want to show a pass-code view when app return from background, I don't know the best way to achieve that,

AndroidX navigation navigateUp twice

I am using the new AndroidX navigation framework. I have a few fragments all linked in a navigation chain. FragmentA --> FragmentB --> FragmentC Fragme

Fragment navigation and menu. How to remove latest fragment? Check description

I was incapable of finding an answer for the following context: Let's say we have a menu and a nav graph instanced in the main activity. We have 3 fragment: Hom

BottomNavigationView with navigation component - selected fragment not showing

I'm currently migrating to android navigation component and cannot get the fragment transitions to work when a new item is being selected in the BottomNavigatio

In Android Navigation Architecture, how can I check if current Fragment is the last one?

I need to display custom AlertDialog, but only when there are no more fragments after calling NavController.navigateUp(). My current code does something similar

Android clear backstack after reselecting Bottom Navigation tab

Using the newest Navigation Component with the BottomNavigationView, the NavController now saves and restores the states of tabs by default: As part of this ch

BottomNavigationView's menu not selected after navigating to other fragment, switching to other menu, and switching back to initial menu

I'm building an android application with 3 menus using bottom navigation. I created new project in Android Studio using Bottom Navigation Activity. I renamed th

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'androidx.navigation.NavGraph androidx.navigation.NavDestination.getParent()' on a null object reference

I have created an Android application and I have added the "Navigation Drawer Activity" from Gallery, I have removed and renamed the menu items. After starting

Recycler View Not Showing

I have been making an app that uses a recycler view in a navigation drawer. Why the contents of the recycler view are not showing up. The view is definitely the

How to change the status bar color in Android?

First of all it's not a duplicate as in How to change the background color of android status bar How do I change the status bar color which should be same as i