Category "android-tablayout"

How to reverse View Binding from custom tab layout in Android?

I made a custom tab item for my tab layout and initialized it using view binding as follows: val tabView = CustomTabBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(mContext

How to use TabLayout with ViewPager2 in Android

I want to use component with Android's new ViewPager implementation androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2. However, t

Android Tab layout: Wrap tab indicator width with respect to tab title

Is there any way to wrap tab indicator width with respect to tab title ?

Android ViewPager and TabLayout are not working fast

There are nested fragments with TabLayout and ViewPager. Each fragment has listview inside it so they get call together and now I'm getting an issue of slow pro

TabLayout gravity center is not working

I have a TabLayout, where I want the tabs to be displayed in the center of the screen. Below is the XML for my TabLayout. <