Category "encryption"

How to Encrypt Windows Identity value?

I'm using x = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.Value; which outputs the users windows identity. Here is an example of what the outp

Can keys or hashes trigger an injection attack?

Can hashes or keys generated (either intentionally or accidentally) that would trigger an injection attack? For example, if the hash or key was generated as som

translating SQLcipher GUI to CLI (or pyhton)

The question is simple How can i turn this SQLciper GUI Into lines of code either in SQLciper CLI or using a python module ? Here's what i've tried (FAILED ATTE

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

How to generate Random Number-String(Alpha-Numeric) from String with given Key

So far i need to generate 6 length random key from given string I assume given string is always unique. With that i cant to plain so i need to encrypt into some

openssl CMS decryption fails

openssl cms -decrypt -in cms.txt -recip my_cert.pem -inkey private_key.pem Error reading S/MIME message 140064210231744:error:0D0D40D1:asn1 encoding routines:SM

App Store - Help answering "Missing Compliance" (using Expo + Firebase)

I'm publishing my app to App Store and I have doubts regarding the "Missing Compliance" step. Here's some info about the app: I used Expo (Managed workflow). T

Issues while decrypting Initialization Vector IV algorithm

I am tying to implement Intilization vector 4 the issue I am facing is I am able to encrypt my text using intilization vector4 algorithm but when it comes to de

Encrypt Cache.db-wal file

I am building a react native app that fails on iOS penetration testing cause it stores in cache the results of some requests that happen in the app. Is there an

how to store additional data in a text file apart from it's content - C++

I am doing this small university project, where I have to create a console-based text editor with some features, and making files password protected is one of t

The data types nvarchar(max) encrypted with with (encryption_type = 'DETERMINISTIC' xxx) are incompatible in the equal to operator

var countryCode = new SqlParameter("@countryCode", SqlDbType.VarBinary); var byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dto.Country); countryCode.Value = byteArray; var

Archive files directly from memory in Python

I'm writing this program where I get a number of files, then zip them with encryption using pyzipper, and also I'm using io.BitesIO() to write these files to it

Deterministically generate public/private key from a seed for asymmetric encryption

I am trying to implement a client side method to encrypt data in transit, and the key will be generated from client side with node.js Right now, i am stuck in a

How to correctly store user secrets in a frontend Application?

I am building a Web Application where the user's data is end-to-end-encrypted. The web client obviously needs a secret that nobody else knows for end-to-end-enc

Generating aes cbc key from password and iv in dart

anyone havean idea how can i generate a key for aes encryption in dart from iv and password? like this code written in C#: var spec = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(En

How to encrypt JSON in python

I have a JSON file. I am running a program, in python, where data is extracted from the JSON file. Is there any way to encrypt the JSON file with a key, so that

Getting errors while trying to decode string with rsa and base64

I'm trying to make a password manager with Python and encrypting the passwords with RSA. that part went smoothly. What's not going smoothly is the decryption. T

Why am I still able to read encrypted EBS volume data in EC2 even after disabling the KMS key?

I am trying to verify data encryption of EBS volume in AWS. I have encrypted one EBS volume with a KMS key and mounted it on an EC2 instance. I have some files

boto3 generate_presigned_url with SSE encryption

I am looking for examples to generate presigned url using boto3 and sse encryption. Here is my code so far s3_client = boto3.client('s3',