Is there a way to select a custom branch to deploy ? I do not seem to be able to select a branch and it takes the default main branch thanks in advance
When i was deploying django app on vercel i got this error Error! Unable to find binary python3.8 for runtime python3.8 Error! Check your logs at https://kompu
I am trying to publish a serverless web to vercel. I want to use react-router and this works good on my computer but when I deploy it It doesn't works Can someb
I've been having Vercel deployment issues when trying to convert my existing Nextjs app to be a monorepo using either npm or yarn workspaces. After changing to
When running the vercel command in Ubuntu terminal: Error! Command failed: python3.6 /tmp/2de7da56/ --user ERROR: This script does not work on Pyth
[GET] /auth/signin?callbackUrl=http://localhost:3000 17:22:23:77 2021-10-24T12:22:24.062Z a07d6ace-3b47-4472-a45b-f7ef9989a9b5 ERROR [next-auth][err
I have created a project that uses MongoDB to store user info and Next-Auth to authenticate users. On local host this is all working seamlessly. Previously I ha
I am unable to deploy my React NextJS app of vercel. It gives the below error while clicking the deploy button : The repository "NetflixCloneReact" couldn't be
My next.js app works on my machine and was working when deployed on Vercel but now it fails when building on Vercel with the following error: I've tried delet
I think i am making some kind of confusion here. According to the documentation, if i want Server Side Rendering (SSR) for the page i export the async function
I have deployed a remix application on Vercel. Further, I have defined some environment variables in Vercel and want to perform some checks and use env variable
i am trying to fetch some data from an api using getStaticProps with next js. It returns the error undefinedcannot be serialized as JSON. Please usenull` or omi
I have made an web app with flask and implemented socket-io in it using Flask-SocketIO but it is continuously using Polling method instead of Web Sockets. My JS
Problem I have an axios call at "/artists", that gets a list of artists returned as an array of JSON. It works in development. However, in production it outputs
My website is almost complete on next.js. I am trying to create widget to one of my component that can be embedded on any website without iframe. Please help me
I'm doing some early research for a project I plan to deploy to Vercel. I am wondering if the following is possible: I want to have on GitHub repository. This
I see nextjs does support Optional Chaining here however, I've been trying to deploy this piece of code module.exports = { experimental: { outputStandalon
I am using Next.js and express as front end and back end server. Next.js hosted on the Zeit Now, express app hosted on Heroku. If I go to express app, I can mak
When I'm trying to build the Next.Js app then the below error is coming with a successful build. This error is showing when I deploy the app in Vercel. error -
first, I was getting the same error for react-icons. now I am getting errors for the typewriter. it works fine on localhost. when I'm trying to npm i typewriter