Category "answer-set-programming"

how to input clingo variable

I have following code, but I want to change the variable of p, how can I do it? {p(1;2;3;4)}. :- p(X*2). It is normal. But the following code does'nt work. p(1

how to input clingo variable

I have following code, but I want to change the variable of p, how can I do it? {p(1;2;3;4)}. :- p(X*2). It is normal. But the following code does'nt work. p(1

clingo return the max subset

I have the following code: 1{p(1..10)}10. :- p(I*2). and it shows 31 answers, But I just need the max subset p(1) p(3) p(5) p(7) p(9). How can I do it?

Calendar of a football championship - Answer set programming

I wrote an algorithm in answer set programming, run with clingo, to calculate a league of 20 teams and its 38 matches (19 round and 19 return) with certain cons