Category "apache-kafka"

kafka s3 sink connector keys and headers s3 storage write not working

I have enabled "store.kafka.keys" : "true", "store.kafka.headers" : "true", "keys.format.class" : "io.confluent.connect.s3.format.json.JsonFormat", "headers.for

Unable to set topic with camelCase name via Env variable

I'm deploying zeebe using helm. With extraInitContainers directive I manage to include the kafka-exporter 3.1.1 and it loads correctly. In the yml file I set a

Avro Definition for Custom Aggregator

I have a code where I am aggregating the data from Kafka stream via: StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder = new StreamsBuilder(); streamsBuilder.table(AppConfigs.t

Kafka connect s3 sink multiple partitions

I have multiple questions about the kafka connect S3 sink connector 1.I was wondering if its possible using the S3 sink of kafka connect to save records with mu

kafka connect consumer group members with no assigments available

I have a kafka connect task which fetches data from a topic with 3 partitions and send the data to a cassandra sink, so I have kconnect in distributed mode with

How to run kafka s3 sink connector in confluent 6.2.0

Have installed confluent 6.2.0 in my 3 kafka nodes and also installed confluentinc-kafka-connect-s3-10.0.1 in 3 nodes and modified the

Processing data from a kafka stream using Pyspark

What the console of the kafka consumer looks like: ["2017-12-31 16:06:01", 12472391, 1] ["2017-12-31 16:06:01", 12472097, 1] ["2017-12-31 16:05:59", 12471979,

Scala Kafka exception: NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.avro.Schema.toString

I'm developing a kafka producer code in scala with those libs (I have to use version >6.X in kafka avro serializer to use TLS comunication): <dependency&g

Confluent connect 5.5.1 is throwing Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread kafka-coordinator-heartbeat-thread |

I am having a large cluster of Confluent Kafka comprising of multiple sub-clusters One for Zookeeper, another for Kafka broker with Schema Registry and KSQL str

Kafka returns "No matching PRIVATE KEY entries in PEM file" when attempting to start using PEM certificates

First of all, I've seen this thread but it's unrelated and having different issue. I have the following settings fragment in my Kafka properties file: ssl.keyst

Kafka returns "No matching PRIVATE KEY entries in PEM file" when attempting to start using PEM certificates

First of all, I've seen this thread but it's unrelated and having different issue. I have the following settings fragment in my Kafka properties file: ssl.keyst

Upgrading apache kafka to confluent kafka

We are planning to upgrade our existing apache kafka cluster to confluent kafka while upgrading do we have any data loss in the topics?? And also main reason we

How to transform a nested array into a table in ksqldb/kafka

I started learning ksqldb for Kafka and ran into a problem, I have a Product stream and the structure is the following: ID | VARCHAR(STRING) NAME

Kafka & Connect - how to fix AVRO Schema Data type

Setup Multiple independent source systems push AVRO events into a Kafka topic. A Kafka S3 sink connector reads AVRO events from this topic and writes into S3 pa

Create an open-telemetry span using trace-id and span-id in Java

I'm using open-telemetry to trace my applications and have a few microservices and Kafka broker in my distributed system. I'm using Java/spring-boot and in the

How to load multiple postgresql tables into multiple kafka topics in google cloud environment?

load multiple postgresql tables into multiple kafka topics in google cloud environment using pubsub or kafka connect.

pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: Failed to find data source: kafka

I am trying to read a stream from kafka using pyspark. I am using spark version 3.0.0-preview2 and spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.12 Before this I just stat zoo

How to filter using ksql with array attribute type

I have a Stream on a topic with schema: --root --name: string --age: integer --accounts: Array --email I would like to select all root elements hav

How to filter using ksql with array attribute type

I have a Stream on a topic with schema: --root --name: string --age: integer --accounts: Array --email I would like to select all root elements hav

How to skip kafka history data in flink job if certain lag is encountered?

Sometimes we encounter lag in kafka consumer due to some external issues. Flink job will always consume kafka history (delayed data) with exactly-once semantics