Category "apple-m1"

Xdebug 3 not showing in phpinfo on m1 Monterey

After installing xdebug with sudo pecl install xdebug it looks that is installed but only in CLI. php -i | grep "xdebug" - this returns a lot of rows Then when

On Apple M1, grpc/Google-Api Import Error:

Situation: I'm trying to set up my SQLAlchemy database and run it locally. I use the google api for its vision module, so I can analyze text off of pictures. Cu

Installing gfortran on MacBook with Apple M1 chip for use in R

I'm on a MacBook Air with an Apple M1 chip, using macOS 11.6 Big Sur. I'm on R 4.1.1. I have Xtools and gfortran for the Apple M1 installed: markwhite@marks-air

The option "show window frame around device" of Android studio emulator is invalid(macOS with m1)

I try making the emulator showing the window frame, but this option seems to be invalidenter image description here emmulator with no window frame the option "s

How to replace the bundled Dart SDK in Flutter to run natively on Apple Silicon (ARM64)?

Dart SDK officially supports ARM64 and as of now, 2.14.2 is the latest (stable) Dart SDK that has support for ARM64. Though it was the same version that was bun

M1Mac : rbenv install 2.6.6 Build Failed

When I tried to install ruby2.6.6 on my mac using rbenv, I got a "Builed Failed" message. Initially, I ran it as follows % rbenv install 2.6.6 Downloading rub

Cannot install sharp with Docker on M1 Mac

Installing sharp on M1 Mac with yarn install is OK, but with Docker results in the following error: error /usr/src/app/node_modules/sharp: Command failed. Exit

Docker on Mac M1 gives: "The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform"

I want to run a docker container for Ganache on my MacBook M1, but get the following error: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the dete

Cause: error=86, Bad CPU type in executable M1 Macbook (Android studio)

When attempting to run the emulator on android studio I receive the Cause: error=86, Bad CPU type in executable error message. I'm using the most up to date and

When debugging, GoLand can not evaluate a function on M1

When debugging, use the Evaluate expression and try to evaluate a function. The result is shown as: "backend does not support function calls". Why? MacBook Pro

Is it possible to install Weblogic on Apple M1 computers?

I've been looking for information about this, but I don't find anything. I think there's no version available at Oracle site for installing Weblogic 12.2.1.X on

flutter admob issues on m1 mac for android

Admob for Android emulator IPixel_2_API_S:5554) hangs a lot with errors/warnings. It looks like something to do with, which I be

module 'audio_session' not found

I try to build an existing flutter project on a new Mac with M1 chip. I face the following error in regards that the audio_session module is missing. Launching

M1 docker preview and keycloak 'image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8)' Issue

I just downloaded Docker Preview v3.1 and tried running keycloak. Anyone else running into this issue? docker r

Macbook m1 node js docker image build failed

This is message: What's wrong? I should wait for the production docker? This is docker config: # build stage FROM node:lts-alpine as build-stage WORKDIR /app C

Unable to install 'Tensorflow Federated' on Apple Silicon M1

I have TensorFlow (2.8.0) installed and running on my Apple Silicon M1 MacBook. But facing dependency error on trying to install tensorflow-federated with the b

".nvm" not in PATH - Apple M1 Macbook

I am using an Apple M1 Macbook pro, with the 'zsh' terminal, and there are issues installing Node with the command "nvm install node". After trying that nvm com

Cocoapods won't work on new m1 mac Big Sur Xcode

I am getting rid of my 8 year old mac, and am switching to the new m1 macbook air, but none of my old projects are running. I have installed cocoapods succesful

Import error with psycopg2: symbol not found in flat namespace '_PQbackendPID'

Does anyone know how to fix this import error? I am working on macOS Monterey version 12.0.1. from psycopg2._psycopg import (# noqa ImportError: dlopen(/Users/m

CocoaPods Natively For M1? V. 1.11.3

I was looking into the web for some updated answer about my problem but I couldn't find it! I install Cocoapods using the terminal with the command below: Sudo