I have a request JSON list like this: [ { Id: 0, values: [a, b, c, d] }, { Id: 1, values: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, . . . ] How do I convert this to a lis
I have this table with these values I have this code in java import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map;
So I'm trying to insert the value from ArrayList specifically for object Days into one array of integer here is the value I iterate into the table I I've try i
I've got these three classes class Totalizavel def retorna (qnt, valor) total = qnt * valor return total end end class Venda < Tota
I'm working on a game of Go Fish for a school assignment and I need to separate a group of 4 cards in order to keep score. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I've created an ArrayList of Residents. Each Residents consists of full name, ssn number and gender. I had to sort the elements by ssn number first and then by
I have a class which I want to use, to filter my array according to driver. Driver is hardcoded just to try and eliminate possibilities of why the code is not w
If your question is I am getting a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in my code and I do not understand why it is happening, what does
I am trying to write a code of adjacency list implementation of the graph ADT. private ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> adjLists ; but I don't know
I was wondering and testing object's memory allocation on Android/Java and found something strange happening on heap, well maybe it's just normal. Here is what
So I have a list of codes, something like: (I.-) (I.+) (I.0) (B.+) (B.0) (B.-) ... (No value) (N/A) I was able to sort them but we have a "custom requirement" t
I have an exercise problem from MOOC.fi that I am stuck on! We are learning about arrays and lists in Java, and here is the text for the problem: "The exercise
My requirement is the end-user must be able to upload files into the application from internal or external storage and finally display the name of the file in t
no matter what I use indexof() or contains or .equals() changing everything to uppercase or to lowercase It always return false and not found can someone please
My problem statement: A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the b
public List<Order> getAllOrdersByCustomerId(int customerId) throws SQLException { List<Order> AllOrdersByCustomerId = new Arra
I am working on java Program here is program Question: Consider Java Program. It reads integers from the standard input (until it gets a negative number) and
I have a list of list of coordinate with data type of float for example something like this [[106.4372634887695, -6.3303128514375], [106.4372634887695, -6.32997
I am making a program to get Values from edittext and store it in an array then I want to display that array on screen and here is my command Edi
I'm new to programming in general. With another Script i store in the list "spawnPointC" all gameobjects called spawnPointC that appear from spawning other pref