There are different properties for 3 (x,y,z) properties in my database. I created a dropdown and according to the selection I will make in the dropdown, I want
I generated SAS url with below code var blobBuilder = new BlobSasBuilder() { ExpiresOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(2),
I'm migrating an ASP Classic app to ASP.Net MVC 5. The legacy data contains <BR> tags in the text. In the old application (still in use) the tags are rend
I have a project using web api and one using mvc. They are configured using CORS module. The project using Web Api is configured to allow any origin be
I have old legacy MVC app that uses Identity 2.0. Also recently I have created .Net 6 API with Identity 6.0 (AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore). Note: The
I have old legacy MVC app that uses Identity 2.0. Also recently I have created .Net 6 API with Identity 6.0 (AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore). Note: The
I am using formsauthentication on my MVC project and when testing locally using the Visual Studio Development Server everything works as expected. Once deployed
I'm trying to fix this error, I know that there are another similar questions with the same error, but the line: request.ContentLength = 0; it doesn't fix my ex
I am new to, and I am now facing a problem. I have created a project using mvc4, and I have added an entity data model and successfully connect
My site name is "Flows" on IIS if i search with the name "FLOWS" its not working so is it possible that i can search it without case sensitive. class Program {
I have an MVC4 site, with (as part of a hidden form): <input name="somefield" type="hidden" value="@ViewBag.Test"/> The value of ViewBag.Test is true.
I am looking for a way to have a separate layer of business logic in a MVC4 app with Entity Framework, without having to inject my (real or fake) database conte
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long. I am having above error, and I have been trying almost everyth
There is a (non-Microsoft) NuGet package that allows upgrading the Mvc3 to Mvc4. There is a (Microsoft) article that explains how to manually migrate from Mvc3
In the layout, MVC child actions are called in . However, the the partialView results are not shown in the RenderSection("userProfile", required:false). The Wa
i'm using razor's listboxfor for the first time, but my Model is always null. after reading similar posts and tryouts it still won't work. Person.cshtml @mode