Category "azure"

Azure Function App timing out at an interval of what functionTimeout parameter is equal to

The functionTimeout parameter in my host.json file is set to "functionTimeout": "00:45:00" I'm seeing timeouts happen every 45 minute interval. When I dig into

Deploying Azure Function (isolated process) to Azure using Azure DevOps is not working

Currently Microsoft has introduced a new way to treat azure functions called isolated process and it's the only way to run Azure functions on .NET5. I am trying

Powershell Azure Function Fails

First and foremost I'm new to Azure Functions and have only been working with it for a couple of weeks, so please bear with me. I was tasked with taking one of

Can you use custom docker image for Azure Pipelines when using the generic Git connection?

When using the GitHub connection with Azure DevOps pipelines I see that you can specify a docker image in your azure-pipelines.yml file (vmImage: option) But w

Unable to Connect to Azure SQL-Server:

Created an Azure SQL server machine and I am able to rdp as well as connect via the local SQL Server Mgt Studio client. However I cannot connect to the same i

How to Install Cudatoolkit in python environment in dockerfile

I need to Install the Cudatoolkit in Docker file which is Python environment but cudatoolkit can only install by conda parameter. We cant use conda in python. O

Terraform azure provider gave me "features required field not set"

This code gave me error, even with the feature block. terraform { required_version = ">= 0.12" required_providers { azurerm = { source = "has

MS Teams CallRecord: where is the first CallSegment and how I can access it?

in the call seen in the next image, the 2nd user has 2 Call segment but in the call record on the last one is shown. If my mind is correct i left the call and

Deploying an Angular Universal App in Azure web app service - Linux based

I'm trying to deploy an Angular Universal App in Azure web app service (Linux webapp) using azure devops pipeline and build/release pipeline are successfully co

Dynamics 365 Business Central Token

I'm attempting to gain access to Business Central Admin Center API, but I'm having some difficulties. I'm having the idea that it has something to do with the a

How do I create multiple topics/queues in multiple servicebuses with bicep?

I don't quite understand the relationship between parent and child components when working with bicep and more specifically arrays. The error I get is this: Dep

Get the number of receiving subscriptions of a Azure Service Bus Message

Is there a way to get the number of receiving subscriptions of a ServiceBusMessage sent on a Topic, in any of the two following ways: The number of subscription

Azure container instances gets killed without obvious reason

We run container instance group daily (triggered by logic apps). The container basically connect to queue, process it and ends. Sometime, according the events l

Azure AAD pod identity related logs in Azure Portal

I tried to use the Azure AAD pod identity and bind a Managed Identity to it. Then I used this pod identity to perform some azure resource actions like creating

How to publish to a development slot in Azure from VS Code

I have an App Service app and a development slot I see them too on Vs Code But when I publish I can not select the slot Any idea please? Regards

Is it possible to have a read replicas of azure flexible postgresql server with a subset of data?

Is it possible to replicate a specific subset of data (certain schema,dbs') to a readonly copy of Azure postgres flexible server. Thanks Brian

Azure Web App Code 503 - Service Unavailable

I'm having a problem with my 4 webapps on Azure. All of them have "Running" status, but I cannot deploy new releases, I receive code 503 "Service Unavailable",

Azure AD B2C associate user flow with an app one-to-one

While researching how to require multi-factor auth for a specific app, I came across this challenge: It's possible to create User flows (policies) in Azure AD

Azure AzApi provider in Terraform

I'm trying to use Azure AzApi provider to update the Azure key vault key rotation policy. Both "Azure AzApi provider" and Key Rotation Policy are very new featu

How can i watch for changes in my azure functions?

I am using azure functions written in NODE JS. I am starting the local server with func host start and everything works fine. But the problem is when i change