Category "azure-data-explorer"

Kusto query using TimeGenerated as Parameter

I'm trying to use a Kusto query, taking the TimeGenerated field as input and get the below error. Error is Query could not be parsed at 'datetime(start_time)' l

Event hub & Azure Data Explorer not ingesting all messages

For the last 12 hours, I am noticing Outgoing Messages in the Event hub are too few than incoming messages. & more worrying thing is that event hub Outgoing

SQL OLAP vs KQL || row_number() over partition by in SQL vs KQL

I have OLAP Query in SQL and requirement is same query result need to fetch in ADX(Azure Data explorer) using KQL. I'm new to KQL and trying to convert same SQL

How query data use offset in kusto (Azure Data Explorer) KQL for paging

How can I realize below SQL query use offset for paging query in KQL. select * from testtable where code = '88580' limit 1000 offset 111 I can't find any funct

Terraform and Azure Data Explorer

I am looking for recipes on how to standup a complete Azure Data Explorer stack using Terraform. So far I have found that Terraform has support to create cluste

Insert data into kusto table using flow

Can we insert data into kusto table using flow? I tried to insert data into kusto table using .ingest inline command but it throws a bad request error shown be

Azure data explorer ingestionbatching policy is not working as expected

I tried to ingest the records to the target table from the source table with the update policy and ingestion batching policy. Data records count in the target t

Excel removes my query connection on it's own and gives me several error messages

I know that this is a really long post but I'm not sure of what part of my process is making my file crash, so I tried to detail everything about what I did to

Fetch results of unknown Kusto query in C#

I am trying to fetch results from an unknown Kusto query. Example: var query = "StormEvents | count | as HowManyRecords; StormEvents | limit 10 | project StartT

Kusto for sliding window

I am new to Kusto Query language. Requirement is to alert when the continuous 15 minute value of machine status is 1. I have two columns with column1:(timestamp

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) vs Polybase vs Databricks

Question Today I discovered another Azure service called Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Sorry for such comparison of services, I have good understanding of all exc

Convert query to KQL

I have an application that contains an object. It has 2 guid values, guid1 and guid2. At any given time only 1 is populated. Firstly guid1 and at a later point

Does materialize function not work with tabular function argument in Kusto?

I created a simple function MaterializeRemoteInputTable below which accepts the output of a table as an input. To test if the input is materialized, I am using

How to remove time part from a datetime in Kusto

If I've got a Kusto datetime and I want to remove the time portion, leaving just a date at midnight, what's the best way? I can do this todatetime(format_dateti

Azure data explorer update record

I am new to Azure data explorer and I am wondering how you can do update on a record in Azure data explorer using microsoft .NET SDK in C# ? The Microsoft docum