Category "pythonpath"

Heroku add folder to PYTHONPATH

Hello) My project has the following structure: app/ - api/ - ..some_folders/ - web/ ... some files ... - Procfile requirem

Azure DevOps Pipelines - Python - ModuleNotFoundError despite sys.path.append() or setting PYTHONPATH

I'm trying to run some tests for my python application but I'm not able to set the path correctly so that my can find it. My Application is structured

Bazel test rule for the Python BDD tool "behave"

Question: Hello, dear bazel heroes! For our system tests, I am trying to get the behavior-driven development tool behave to run with bazel as bazel test syst

How to correctly set PYTHONPATH for Visual Studio Code

How do I correctly set up the $PYTHONPATH variable for my workspace in VisualStudio Code? Background Information I have installed two versions of GNURadio: G