I am working on building a pipeline using AzureDevOps, and I face a strange problem. This is my pipeline: - stage: 'Test' displayName: 'Deploy to the test env
I'm trying to redirect API calls from my Static Web App to another Function App but I can't get wildcard to work. The route matches correctly but I want the * p
I have a next.js application on Azure static web apps. I've got it building on commit to github (via github actions). Next task is for changes on contentful to
I created a Static Web App per the instructions on this page. The Javsscript Azure Function worked. Then I replaced the API with a C# version. Now when I publis
Is there a way to view the files uploaded to Azure Static Web App using Azure Portal? I need to check few items. I can see the file in my DevOps Repo but want t
I deployed to Azure Static Web Apps the default app that comes whenever you create a new Blazor WebAssembly app via dotnet new blazorwasm. At first it works pro