Category "azure"

Data replication from prod to read replicate in Azure SQL MI

I am in middle of finalizing database for our company. Though I have gone through multiple readings but there are couple of questions which i am still confused

How can i apply woff fonts in Azure for .NEt core app?

I ahve a .Net Core MVC app that uses DinkToPdf, which wraps libwkhtmltox.dll, to create PDF files from HTML. One of the fonts i am using is a .woff font and thi

ADF Copy Pipeline not reading/writing all rows

I have a simple copy pipeline that reads from a CSV file and writes to a Azure SQL database. The pipeline finishes with no errors. On inspection, however, I ca

'pyodbc.Cursor' object has no attribute 'fast_executemany'

I have a problem, I have a web app that is using fast_executemany in order to insert into the database. When running it on localhost it works with no problem, b

A: Get notified of changes to the azure devops service

I've been looking around for a while now but I can't seem to find a way to get push messages from the azure devops team for their release notes regarding the az

Databricks Cluster terminated. Reason: Cloud Provider Launch Failure

I'm using Azure Databricks with a custom configuration that uses vnet injection and I am unable to start a cluster in my workspace. The error message being give

Delete All Azure Table Records

I have an Azure Storage Table and it has 3k+ records. What is the most efficient way to delete all the rows in the table?

Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs returning $null in Automation Accounts

I have a simple script to get the last sign in details for each user in Azure. When running the script from Visual Studio, it all runs fine with no errors. Afte

Is it possible to open Azure Storage Explorer using direct link with SAS token?

When i want to launch Azure Storage Explorer using direct link what i do is copy it from app and pasting to my browser. It looks somethig like that: storageexpl

Unable to put the azure VM into the availability zone

I need two Azure VMs into different availability zones in the US region. However when trying to put VM into the availability zone I get an error: In the azure

Azure cosmosdb reservation

I don't understand the sentence "A reservation discount is applied to provisioned throughput in terms of request units per second (RU/s) on an hour-by-hour basi

How to pass variables from Azure Pipeline to JavaScript?

I'm attempting to run an Azure Pipeline, with some environment variables defined in the pipeline itself, and I am using the Maven Build task to build my project

Azure point in time restore - Query for checking progress

Is there a way to check the progress percent of azure point in time restored databases? I started a restore of a 750 Gb database, and i do not know whether it h

define environment variable in databricks init script

I want to define an environment variable in Databricks init script and then read it in Pyspark notebook. I wrote this: dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/scripts/i

Azure Policy - Enable Auto Shutdown at VMs

it is possible to activate the Azure VM Autoshutdown Function with an Azure Policy? I found always articles with an DevTest Lab. But i would like to use an AZur

Error while Deploy Azure App Service : ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_REMOTESVC

I am getting below error while deploying app service via Azure DevOps. I tried to search for this issue but could not found root cause of this. Error : 2021-03-

How to call image inspect properties in hosted in ACR

I have few images hosted in ACR, I want to inspect the image (Repository image) deployed in ACR. For example I have one "hello-world" image in "test123" ACR. I

How to translate and update Azure Cognitive Search Index document for different Language Analyzer fields?

I am working on configuration of Azure Cognitive Search Index which will be queried from websites in different languages. I have created language specific field

ASP.NET Web API and OpenID Connect: how to get Access Token from Authorization Code

I try to get OpenID Connect running... A user of my Web API managed to get an Authorization Code of a OpenID Connect Provider. How am I supposed to pass this co

Azure Graph Query in az graph query command

Resources | where type has "microsoft.compute/disks" | extend diskState = tostring(properties.diskState) | where managedBy == "" or diskState == 'Attached' or d