Category "azure"

Automate the Standard logicapp using Azure Devops pipeline/How to create standard type Logic Apps using ARM templates?

Can someone pls help me to automate build and release pipelines for Standard logicapp in Azure DevOps. I can create consumption type logic apps with sample work

How to programmatically change tier of Azure SQL Database

We have a large SQL Database running on Azure which is only generally in use during normal office hours, although from time to time, overtime/weekend staff will

How to programmatically change tier of Azure SQL Database

We have a large SQL Database running on Azure which is only generally in use during normal office hours, although from time to time, overtime/weekend staff will

How to import all images from an ACR repository to another ACR in different tenant

Scenario: I have 4 repos in an ACR(azure container registry) with multiple images in each repo. I want to move all the repos and all images in it to a different

Associate a build artifact in yaml release pipeline

In Azure Devops, I have two individual yaml pipelines one for build and another for release. I would want to link the build artifact in the yaml release pipelin

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname with WebAPI project in Visual Studio 2013

I am running a very basic webAPI project in Visual Studio Pro 2013. It runs fine on localhost on my machine. I then try and go to a browser from a different mac

Resolving Azure Container registry images vulnerabilities

I use the following image openjdk:11-jdk as a base image to create an image that just executes a .jar file, but I get the following security warning from Azure

Swap slots in Azure devops (angular+api), how to change Angular configuration for the target slot?

The configuration of the Angular app is the challenging part. During our publishing Job in Azure Yaml pipeline, we execute a "token" replacement to match the ta

Write video in Azure Function

I have videos that i want to process in Azure function (Service Bus Queue trigger). When new message arrives and function gets called i do the following: Downl

How to get a list of available voices for Azure Text To Speech?

Is there a way to programatically list the available voices in Azure Text To Speech? I've searched extensively and found this page

How to set a custom work item to a back log level

I am using inherited agile template where in Epic level backlog, we have hierarchy Epic > Feature > User Story I am defining a custom work item type "Requ

Application Insights from last Debug session

I'm encapsulating TelemetryClient functionality to a framework component for both client and server to use. In the process, trimming dependencies and replacing

moving VB.Net DLL for Excel to a cloud service on Azure

I've got a DLL written in VB.NET that provides Excel plugin capabilities. I'd like to move it into a cloud service. As far as I can tell, there's no way to use

Azure ARM deployment access a resource from a different subscription when deploying a new resource

I am using an Azure service principal and C# Azure SDK to deploy this ARM template. The publicIPPrefixResourceId I am passing as a parameter is the ARM Id of t

Azure Network Security Groups not working? (attached to subnet)

I am trying to secure some subnets in a virtual network. I have Virtual Network 1 with Subnets A, B, C. I have a VM in each subnet with default endpoints (RDP

Perform Azure Purview Scan thru API

I have registered the source (ADLS2) thru Azure portal and have done the initial scan. I am aware that I can schedule the scan. But I would like to know if I ca

Is it possible to switch Azure functions standard DI container for another?

Currently I am using DI in azure functions the standard way public class Startup : FunctionsStartup { public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder b

Trouble publishing ASP.NET project with Code First database to Azure - Permission

I cannot migrate my Code First database to Azure - Error hints at permission, but I can't figure out what's missing? I have created an empty SQL-database in Azu

Trouble publishing ASP.NET project with Code First database to Azure - Permission

I cannot migrate my Code First database to Azure - Error hints at permission, but I can't figure out what's missing? I have created an empty SQL-database in Azu

Purview API - How to get names from IDs?

I'm trying to get the name / email of a user that is a owner / expert of an entity in Purview. Is there an API endpoint that I can use for this? The current out