I have a C# project where I have some PNG files in a Images directory. The structure of the project can be simplified to: | ViewModel.cs View.xaml | [Images]
I have two Blazor component. First component just displays the list of students from a JSON api <select @onchange="selectStudent"> @foreach(var student
in the past hour I used Visual Studio to package a NuGet .nupkg file, and then used the following commands to push my .nupkg file to a private artifactory repo:
I have a JSON object that I get from API and I need to check for error in the response of the JSON. However, when there is no error the error value is not prese
I need to inspect memory content for a Unity project while debugging it. No matter what I try, such as Use managed compatibility mode, the Memory window despera
Generally, when I want to debug, I just need to set breakpoint, run debug in VSCode and then get in Play Mode in Unity3D, if it captures any break point, the Un
I have a table which has column DateTime. And I want to group this by week. There are no problem to group by date or by month. But how to group by week? I need
So I'm trying to implement unity ads into my game, but it throws the error Assets/Scripts/UnityAds.cs(23,28): error CS0117: 'Advertisement' does not contain a d
So essentially, I have a button, when I press the button, the button should delete the most recent row of text embedded into the rich text box. Press it again,
I’d like to disable certain rules for Sonar C# for my Codacy project. According to the SonarQube docs, I have to create an .editorconfig file, so I did: [
Global query filters are very handy when implementing tenant and soft deletion features. But my problem is is that when i write a query with joins, for instance
So. I created a worker service and want to run it as windows service. It works locally. I installed it to windows server via powershell new-service command. Whe
I am trying to build a microservice architecture system using Ocelot as my API Gateway. I have had the current problem for about 2 weeks and have not been able
I have 2 scripts on my camera, one for following the player ( FollowTarget.cs ), and one which is supposed to, over time, Slerp the camera's transform position
Back Story: So I've been recently developing some c# sharp projects using a m1 Mac and a sql image (sqledge) hosted in a docker container. When trying to connec
I have come to a point where one of the properties that I must change (i.e. set) is an indexed get/set property of an object. I am controlling an application th
The project of .net core WebApi generate the right swagger when a class is generated in one DLL. this solution works fine, the project is compiled and the swagg
I have a problem on replacing the value as I'm not sure which function to use or how to use it. The question: Create and populate an array of 5 doubles. Ask the
When salaried button is checked, change label "Hour Pay: " to "Salary" and hide the labels and text boxes below it. When Hourly button is checked, return every
I have a program where I run some .msi files. This program downloads some files from our website and runs the .msi file. When I run the code as below, it runs s