Category "c++sharp"

C# IOException Cannot locate resource

I have a C# project where I have some PNG files in a Images directory. The structure of the project can be simplified to: | ViewModel.cs View.xaml | [Images]

How to re-render Blazor component when a parameter changes

I have two Blazor component. First component just displays the list of students from a JSON api <select @onchange="selectStudent"> @foreach(var student

Private Artifactory Package not showing up in Visual Studio

in the past hour I used Visual Studio to package a NuGet .nupkg file, and then used the following commands to push my .nupkg file to a private artifactory repo:

JsonElement and null conditional operator (KeyNotFoundException)

I have a JSON object that I get from API and I need to check for error in the response of the JSON. However, when there is no error the error value is not prese

Debug -> Windows -> Memory for a Unity project?

I need to inspect memory content for a Unity project while debugging it. No matter what I try, such as Use managed compatibility mode, the Memory window despera

VS Code can't catch breakpoint in unity3D

Generally, when I want to debug, I just need to set breakpoint, run debug in VSCode and then get in Play Mode in Unity3D, if it captures any break point, the Un

How to GroupBy week in Entity Framework in PostgreSQL

I have a table which has column DateTime. And I want to group this by week. There are no problem to group by date or by month. But how to group by week? I need

Unity Ads "Advertisement does not contain definition for IsReady"

So I'm trying to implement unity ads into my game, but it throws the error Assets/Scripts/UnityAds.cs(23,28): error CS0117: 'Advertisement' does not contain a d

Need help deleting rows/lines in richtextbox c# win forms

So essentially, I have a button, when I press the button, the button should delete the most recent row of text embedded into the rich text box. Press it again,

Disable rule for Sonar C#

I’d like to disable certain rules for Sonar C# for my Codacy project. According to the SonarQube docs, I have to create an .editorconfig file, so I did: [

Ignore global query filter for joined entities

Global query filters are very handy when implementing tenant and soft deletion features. But my problem is is that when i write a query with joins, for instance

Can't start worker service as windows service

So. I created a worker service and want to run it as windows service. It works locally. I installed it to windows server via powershell new-service command. Whe

Ocelot API Gateway error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I am trying to build a microservice architecture system using Ocelot as my API Gateway. I have had the current problem for about 2 weeks and have not been able

Need help Slerping positions and rotations

I have 2 scripts on my camera, one for following the player ( FollowTarget.cs ), and one which is supposed to, over time, Slerp the camera's transform position

Issues connecting SQLedge to projects on m1 mac

Back Story: So I've been recently developing some c# sharp projects using a m1 Mac and a sql image (sqledge) hosted in a docker container. When trying to connec

How can I set the value of an indexed property of a COM object in Python?

I have come to a point where one of the properties that I must change (i.e. set) is an indexed get/set property of an object. I am controlling an application th

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGeneratorException: The same schemaId is already used for type "X"

The project of .net core WebApi generate the right swagger when a class is generated in one DLL. this solution works fine, the project is compiled and the swagg

how to replace double in an array with index and value given by user and shifting each element to the right and dropping the last element

I have a problem on replacing the value as I'm not sure which function to use or how to use it. The question: Create and populate an array of 5 doubles. Ask the

Can't hide labels and text boxes when button is checked

When salaried button is checked, change label "Hour Pay: " to "Salary" and hide the labels and text boxes below it. When Hourly button is checked, return every

Process.Start() does not work properly on some computers

I have a program where I run some .msi files. This program downloads some files from our website and runs the .msi file. When I run the code as below, it runs s