Category "c++sharp"

Add line numbering to a .docx with ActiveXObject('Word.Application')

Hi i want to add line numbering to the opened .docx file before converting it to .pdf and i really didn't find how to do that on code, it is converting my .docx

How to fix 'Gatt write characteristic FAILED.' exception in xamarin forms?

I am trying to do a GATT write operation in a BLE after Notification where I am getting the value from server. The write operation works fine when there is no p

Perlin noise and negative coordinates

I am working with Perlin Noise and coordinates and want to know how to handle negative coordinates in order to make it not symmetric. Example image of my Perli

See what link was used when new user joins to telegram channel

I am trying to make a telegram bot for accounting invite links. It is supposed to count how many times a certain link was used. I tried to get an invite link fr

Trouble binding ViewModel to View, as part of a ListViewItem DataTemplate with ReactiveUI

I'm having some issues trying to display a view in a ListViewItem Data template in reactive. I have a ListView in, for example ReceiptView.xaml whose source is

How do I code a browse file button that lets the user upload their own STL file into a STL viewer?

I am currently trying to integrate an STL File Viewer in my WPF application. I have been using the HelixToolKit to do this and currently can display an STL/OBJ/

Set configuration part in startup with static parameters not json file in .net core

I have this line of code in my test solution . I want to config ravenoption in my test code. public IHost host = null; public IDocumentStore documentStore = nul

How to turn on CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors?

I'm getting this message in the console when running a server-side Blazor app: Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this cir

Azure DevOps build task VSBuild copies DLL marked as copy=false

I'm currently trying to create a CD pipeline with Azure DevOps with a solution using .NET Framework 4.8 and Oracle. Unfortunately, I can't make it run; as the D

Suggested architecture for a project with 2 Frontend applications (Blazor Server and Angular) with EFCore, Identity, Mediatr

I am currently working on a school project with a classmate. We've decided on making the classic setup of an Administration-client (Blazor Server) and a Member-

How to fix ''Gradle Build Failed'' on Unity?

I'm trying to build my android app for a while and can't seem to find any solution for this problem: Image Unity Version: Unity 2020.3.21f1 (64-bit) JDK, SDK, N

How to run python script from C# code by using command

I have a script file( in my local machine and when I run it by using "cmd" and the following command then the script works perfectly. The script take

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

How Can I Pass an Object Property to a Razor Component as a Parameter

I have a razor component library where I'm creating custom, reusable components. I have a "ContentItem" component that I would like to simply bind the property

Score in Unity game only increases by 1 and then stops

I am trying to create a score in unity where if you collect coins (in my case shells) the score goes up by 1 each time, however, the score increases by 1 and th

C# LINQ single query to complete an incomplete model

I have a list of incomplete product models. Everyone is missing an owner and a price. Can these deficiencies be filled with a single query to context? Without t

Botframework v4 same state for all users C#

I'm trying to migrate my botframework APP v3 to v4, I followed the instruction from microsoft documentation and everything works fine except state control, in m

Is there a comprehensive C# linter and formatter like eslint for JS/TS?

I'd like to have my C# projects (.NET Core 3.1+) to be linted and formatted on each build both locally and in CI environment. I know that there's new .NET Analy

Certain objects in unity 2d cinemachine target group camera offsetted

Im making a star wars game for fun, im using cinemachine to have a target group camera to get the camera between the 2 players and sized appropiatly. The player

How to use WhenActivated with properties in avalonia

I am trying to use ReactiveUI along with Avalonia. Due to initialization order in Avalonia 0.10 preview following code fails: class ViewModel : IActivatableView