Category "c++sharp"

How do I fix a "System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: TypeError: Failed to fetch" in Blazor WebAssembly?

The code below, runs for about fifteen seconds on the "dataFs = await _Http.GetStreamAsync(BODIST_DATA_HTTPNAME)" line before failing with a "System.Net.Http.Ht


I use GraphServiceClient When I try to call: var currentUser = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); It works. BUT when I try to call: var inbox =

EF Core - generic way to merge child records based on current db state and equality

I have a scenario where during an Update request of a parent entity, I have a collection of children entities in my dto, and want to merge them in the DB so tha

ASP.NET MVC - how to zip and download files from database?

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and I'm trying to figure out how to zip and download files stored in a database. Do I need to zip the files, save them in memory or serv

Get .NET Core JsonSerializer to serialize private members

I have a class with a private List<T> property which I would like to serialize/deserialize using the JsonSerializer. Use of the JsonPropertyAttribute does

Create ikev2 profile using dotRas

I've trying to create ikev2 with special options using doRas1.3 with no success giving error 'entry' contains invalid or conflicting settings. Please verify th

C# Adding a NOLOCK to a user-defined EF query

I have the following user-defined query: var outerRingEntities = await Databases.OuterRing.Set<TOuterEntity>() .As

HttpContext.Request.Form threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' - why?

I have a strange problem. We are using C# for an ASP.NET MVC application, and JavaScript with jQuery and Data Tables for the frontend. In the frontend, a part o

Unity: Runtime-Terrain-Editor How to raise a circle

I'm trying to create a terrain editor, that works on runtime. At this point I can raise a square but have problems to raise a circle-shape. I saw this post and

Problem running DAPR with docker-compose in ASP .NET core 3.1

I'm trying to run multiple microservices with docker-compose relying on DAPR to establish communication between them. However, even though developer shell logs

OnItemDataBound in Datalist on how to show and hide labels and linkbuttons

I have a datalist with some labels and link button. I want to hide and show based on some stored procedure. The stored procedures are woprking fine in SQL Serve

How to solve BinaryFormatter Deserialize 3th party object Exception in C#?

In my project, I have a function which is used for loading objects from files: public static ObjectBase LoadObject(string _filePath, string _name) { Object

Why am I getting a SignatureDoesNotMatch error when object key contains grave accent marks?

I have been trying to replicate backup files on S3 bucket and one of my machines, which belongs to french culture, and the images it generated contains grave-ac

Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s) entity framework core

I have the following code try { using (var context = await PrepareDatabase()) { // Update temp roles by removing one row, this

How to log retries from Polly with ILoggerFactory

Or: How to log from a static method. From you have examples like this one where a logger is magically available: Policy .Ti

how to hide form1 by clicking button in form2

I designed a form for login that named as form1, and have 2 more form form2,form3 form2 items showing in panel from form1 and what I want to do when I click the

EF Core 3, optimize lots of Include/ThenInclude

I have a query like this return await _ctx.Activities .Include(a => a.Attributes) .Include(a => a.Roles) .Include(a =

WCF call to endpoint not updating the query string parameter

We are making for WCF calls to endpoints like below: First Call: http://TESTSERVER:11033/Services/GetServiceDetail?Userid=Test1 Subsequent call: http://TESTSE

Parsing JSON data and display it as a table

How do I to get the first timestamp value off of the first row using C# and Newtonsoft.Json? How do I display this data in a table with headers beaId, bfiId, ti

When I try to save a QR code from the Zxing library I get an error with the BarcodeWriter class

Currently I want to store my generated qr code as an image in the phone gallery that executes it and then almost at the same time upload it as a backup to Amazo