Category "callback"

Best practice in sending message in python telegram bot from a 3d party listener

I have a custom code that does its routine and I want to send a message to myself in Telegram if something goes wrong. In my case I use python-telegram-bot libr

button not triggering call back function when clicked on. No way to know why as no error's thrown by console

I'm using an event listener on the button element. The user's first asked to select a language. Once they've have done so they are presented with the button in

how to apply ModelCheckpoint in a custom training loop for tensorflow 2.0?

we can set tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(), then pass a callbacks argument to fit() method to save the best modelcheckpoint, but how to make the same thing

React useCallback with Parameter

Using React's useCallback hook is essentially just a wrapper around useMemo specialized for functions to avoid constantly creating new function instances within

How to detect a change in zoom level when using MapBox in Flutter?

There seem to be no straightforward way of detecting a change in the zoom level when using MapBox in Flutter. Various references exist for implementations outsi

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

UtteranceProgressListener not called

I'm trying to take some action after a TextToSpeech object in my Android app finishes speaking a sentence, but my UtteranceProgressListener.onDone() method is n

AttributeError: expected a callback function (and optionally one or two strings) as argument(s)

I'm new to Python and was trying to do some import and export scripting in Blender 2.43(which uses Python 2.4). I had a simple script: import Blender import flt

swift "completion: @escaping" in kotlin language. How to use callback in kotlin?

I am looking for a way of completion block for my kotlin code. In Swift i have my function: func fetchRegister(with request: RegisterRequest, completion: @es

IPC using .NET Core that supports duplex channel or callbacks

I am evaluating .NET Core 2.0 for IPC communication. I found that .NET Core does not support WCF on the server side. What can be used in .NET Core for inter-pro

Change recyclerview rows after being created

I have a viewPager which contains two fragments. First for showing list of products and another one for showing list of selected products. In the second fragmen

Download Plotly Figure as HTML object using Dash Callback in python

I am trying to download a series of plots using a button. I currently have one button that creates the graphs and displays it on the dashboard. The other button

Does REDIS support event listeners?

My USE Case: I want to have a key in redis and want a callback to some method (Using Jedis Java client) when the keys value changes or exceeds some threshold.

select2 and axios: success is not a function

I am new to javascript, callback functions and select2. Thanks in advance for your help :) I am looking at implementing select2 to search against an API but I

Trying to use setInterval to make a throttling function unsuccessfully

I am trying to return a function that only invokes a callback function 'func' once per every 'wait' milliseconds. Additional calls to the callback 'func' within

Callback in STM32 isn't called

Trying to make simple PWM transmitter i faced with a problem. I have TIM2 with Channel2 (in PWM Generation mode) on board NUCLEO F042K6 and USART1 connected to

Node.js: can you use asynchronous functions from within streams?

Consider the following: var asyncFunction = function(data, callback) { doAsyncyThing(function(data){ // do some stuff return callback(err) }) } fs.

Getting "throw new Error('Callback was already called.')"

I've been getting this bizarre error out of the blue when I run npm run build (built the program many times before). C:\Users\PomoJota\node_modules\neo-async\as

javascript module pattern from You don't know JS

I have been reading and testing below code out for several hours now and I just can't seem to grasp certain things. I have been stepping through chrome console

How to return json from callback function within the Lambda?

I'm trying to return the login status from the Cognito callback function, which is written in the NodeJS Lambda. However when I call the API the response keep l