I have done the scan my project java spring boot with Checkmarx tool. The tool found about 23 XSRF occurrences with Medium severity. The issue found is marked o
I'm getting this alert from checkmarx, saying that i have an unsafe object binding when trying to save a comment. I've read that we mustn't save objects directl
I have python code that parses input parameters: parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option("-o", dest="out", default=os.getenv('Path',None), help="file path") par
im running Checkmarx on my code and im getting an sql injection vulnerability. this is the simplified method im using public String assignRole(String userId, St
I'm working on implementing Checkmarx scans in our code repository. I'm using Jenkins and the CheckMarx plugin to accomplish this task. There are some folders
after running Checkmarx scan on my Node.js application, I got a warning of Medium severity -> Missing_HSTS_Header. On this piece of code that just returns th
I have some code that retrieves numeric data from a source Checkmarx considers untrusted (a file under my control), which at some point I convert to a pair of i
I keep getting this annoying error from Checkmarx code scanner, Method getTotalValue at line 220 of src\java\com\example\PeopleController.java gets user input