I have to modify each value for key inside JSONObject and I'm using recursion to iterate over JSONObject because it can be nested. But I'm getting exception in
As we know flutter app runs in an isolates. Somewhere I read that isolates are not system processes. So what really an isolate is and how it's different from pr
Using the msvc with the /std::c++20 flag on, I can't seem to get the wait call compiled. simple example: #include<future> std::future<int> fut = st
I am trying to solve this golang exercise https://github.com/loong/go-concurrency-exercises/tree/master/1-producer-consumer. I guess I am close to the solution
It might be a silly question but, with OpenMP you can achieve to distribute the number of operations between all the cores your CPU has. Of course, it is going
In Postgres, suppose I have the following table to be used like to a singly linked list, where each row has a reference to the previous row.
As explained in this post: Why is integer assignment on a naturally aligned variable atomic on x86? : Memory load/store on a byte value - and any correctly alig
In my case I have a test file containing a few hundred tests using jest describe('my test-suite', () => { test('test 1', () => { expect(1).toBe(
I need a cron job to run every 5 minutes. If an earlier cron job is still running, another cron job should not start. I tried setting concurrency policy to Forb
Original question: OkHttp, is there a way to not rely on a connection pool? Hey OkHttp users and/or contributors! Is there a way to use an OkHttpClient withou
I am not using any type of locking. Is it possible that two concurrent saveAll requests trying to save the same set of records could collide with each other and
I want my main thread to wait until the background thread completes. But, this makes my UI freeze. I want to achieve this without freezing my UI. Please help me
So I have this simple program that sleeps for 4 second if the value returned by fork is '0' meaning that the child process is executing, I've tried using sleep
I am just learning about mutexess. I thought the following program would return a total of 1000, but I am getting varied results, so I assume I am doing someth
Summary The org.apache.commons.lang3.event.EventListenerSupport is used in order to fire when some class performs a certain operation and wants to inform all li
Hi everyone, I'm a little bit lost with a problem thinking in ddd way. Imagine you have an application to sell concert ticket. So you have an entity which is ca
Speaking of the memory model of C++ for concurrency, Stroustrup's C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., sect. 41.2.1, says: ... (like most modern hardware) the
I am wanting to learn how to run functions in parallel/concurrently in JavaScript. Over the past few days I've read several pages about promises, async function
I have a simple Algorithm, I want to run it fast in parallel. The algo is. while stream: img = read_image() pre_process_img = pre_process(img) text
I am running a fixed amount of threads using newFixedThreadPool() and need to be able to know when one of the runnables has died, and know which specific run