Category "cryptocurrency"

Uniswap V3 about price range and swap details

I've been using Uniswap for 2 days, and I have a question about the price range. If my liquidity is out of range, does that mean during that time my allocation

How to estimate TRC20 token transfer gas fee

I am looking for a method to estimate bandwidth/gas transfer for TRC20 tokens. Like we have in Ethereum myContract.methods.myMethod(123).estimateGas({from: 'ERC

Can I Create USDT Wallet With Python

I want to create USDT wallet with python. Than I want to check wallet periodically and send usdt another wallets. I google it but I can't find anything. Any lib

How can I solve 404 issue using the OpenSea JavaScript SDK?

I am trying to use OpenSea API with the JS SDK. I am getting two types of errors. One is a deprecated warning. Another is a 404 error. This is the error I am ge


I'm coding an bep20 token and if I want to add Liquidity with pancakeswap I get the following error: ProviderError: Error: VM Exception while processing transac

How to get all tick ranges with non-zero liquidity to finally calculate Total Value Locked Uniswap V3?

The aim is to calculate the uniswap v3 pool's total value locked (TVL). import json from web3 import Web3 from collections import namedtuple infura_url = 'http

How to calculate Uniswap v3 pool's Total Value Locked (TVL) on chain?

I want to calculate the total value locked in a particular pool in Uniswap v3. I can't use the subgraph API for this. I can get current liquidity / in range li

How to get the current price of a cryptocurrency on google sheets from coinmarketcap?

On a google sheets cell I want to get only the current cryptocurrency price with this formula: =ValueCrypto(A1) I tried this function for coinmarketcap: functi

Sign error for bybit using c# when sending post request

I am trying to send a simple post request to the bybit api and I keep getting the 10004 sign error. Here is the response: {"ret_code":10004,"ret_msg":"error sig

What are the symbols used in Binance's dapi (coin futures api)?

I am trying to download historical price data of BTC/USD perpetual futures using binance's api for coin futures, specifically, I'd like to use this endpoint. Ho

SOL Transaction Fees Inquiry

Is it possible to code a solana program (smart contract) where the transaction fees that you should pay, i.e., for minting / stacking / swapping tokens within t

How to create coinmarketcap api to track total and circulating supply

I want to create an API endpoint that displays only Total Supply as a numerical value in CryptoID like this,

What is this message on the KuCoin API? code: '200000', msg: 'The interface is offline'

I'm trying to perform a transfer operation from my main account to a trade account using the KuCoin API but I'm getting the result: { code: '200000', msg: 'The

"CANCEL read_loop, Task exception was never retrieved"{‘e’: ‘error’, ‘m’: ‘Queue overflow. Message not filled’}

I've finally got my code working which does the following: first it gets the historical data from currently 297 symbols (only the last 20 data intervals). After

0.5% per hour profit Trading bot?

If I had CryptoCurrency trading bot that can give me 0.5% profit in hour, and the exchange fees is 0.075%, and my capital balance is $1000, how can I calculate

How to request the data of only one cryptocurrency using CoinMarketCap api?

i know how to request data of many cryptocurrencies using CoinMarketCap api by setting start and limit params but, it is possible to request the data of only on

eth-brownie - No module named <Users.someuser>

Getting this error while trying to run a eth-brownie script on MacOS ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '' Run command: brownie run scripts/mainne

How to create a Crypto wallet for a start up(Bitcoin and Ethereum)?

I have beginner skills as Full stack Developer and am looking to help developing a crypto wallet with a small start up. The idea is to create a wallet that will

How can I get current day OHLCV hourly dta from the Coin Market Cap API?

I recently started using the Coin Market Cap API. It has 2 main endpoints that I have been using OHLCV historical and OHLCV Latest. The historical API allows fo

GKE: Does each Node have her own external public IP?

I want to pull data from a crypto exchange API. For that I would run my code in GKE. The API is limited at 20 requests per second. But if I would run my program