What is the difference between these two selectors? .classA.classB { border: 1px solid; } .classA .classB { border: 1px solid; }
This is my HTML code (I am practicing HTML!) and CSS file: /*styling the child, descendants*/ /*Individual selectors*/ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
I develop a web app where users can post text, images, Files a post text can contain links also, for example this is my webpage link: https://demo.com/page1/hom
I have the code where onclick of the link, i am opening and closing the div here is the code <div id="opendialog" style="display:none;"> <div st
I have a <div> with two columns. (I use two columns so I can left-align the left column and right-align the right column.) <div class="section-header"&
There are two semi-transparent text characters that overlap. The characters are contained within the same tag. <p>┻━</p> p { color:
I wrote this for a Bmr tool on my website. I don't have much understanding regarding html CSS just started learning this. . On running the snippet is not showin
I wrote this for a Bmr tool on my website. I don't have much understanding regarding html CSS just started learning this. . On running the snippet is not showin
I am trying to: center the image above the waitlist sign up have the background video scale in some relative way so that it doesn't have to load in a perfectly
I developing a website with a video as a hero image which is always fullscreen. Easy thing on desktop. Video is hosted on VIMEO. But now the hard part. On mobil
I want to animate div only when div is visible on viewport using https://animate.style/ At this point it animates div even when its not in viewport which is nor
I am hosting a Django web application on a cPanel web hosting server. I have the application up and running however it is not applying the CSS stylesheets to my
I would like the two col's to be centered if I have a window larger than 1024pix width and be responsive. I've tried a few things, but unfortunately I'm no long
Microsoft Edge (v100.0.1185.29) seems to have recently added a new hover icon(visual search) to all images over a certain size on a webpage. This option is also
CONTEXT : My requirement is to do image transformations like scale, rotate and translate with user actions on an image. Rotation and translation of image is don
var doc = new jsPDF('px','px', [388, 2401]); var width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth; var height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight; doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG'
I am using MUI v5 in my application along with react-d3-tree which renders SVG tree charts. It offers an API to include custom CSS class names in the <path&g
I am using JSF Mojarra 2.3.9.SP02 with PrimeFaces 7.0 running on Wildfly 17 with the PrimeFaces's own Sapphire template. I have a severe problem with one <p
I'm working on a weather app with ReactJS, what i'm trying to do is have a slideshow of images for my background, the images will be full screen, fading from on
How do I enable syntax highlighting for emotion template string css in VS Code? All the plugins I find are for snippets. It works with css({ camelCaseCssProps:.