Category "css"

What does a space mean in a CSS selector? i.e. What is the difference between .classA.classB and .classA .classB?

What is the difference between these two selectors? .classA.classB { border: 1px solid; } .classA .classB { border: 1px solid; }

is implicit styling of h2 tag required even if its parent div is already styled to center align?

This is my HTML code (I am practicing HTML!) and CSS file: /*styling the child, descendants*/ /*Individual selectors*/ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

How to make links clickable in text?

I develop a web app where users can post text, images, Files a post text can contain links also, for example this is my webpage link:

add a triangle icon to the div opening and closing

I have the code where onclick of the link, i am opening and closing the div here is the code <div id="opendialog" style="display:none;"> <div st

Bootstrap auto column width but all columns still use 100% of parent width

I have a <div> with two columns. (I use two columns so I can left-align the left column and right-align the right column.) <div class="section-header"&

How to prevent overlapping opacity of text in CSS?

There are two semi-transparent text characters that overlap. The characters are contained within the same tag. <p>┻━</p> p { color:

My BMR calculator is not showing a result

I wrote this for a Bmr tool on my website. I don't have much understanding regarding html CSS just started learning this. . On running the snippet is not showin

My BMR calculator is not showing a result

I wrote this for a Bmr tool on my website. I don't have much understanding regarding html CSS just started learning this. . On running the snippet is not showin

Can't center image and fill screen with video on NextJS app

I am trying to: center the image above the waitlist sign up have the background video scale in some relative way so that it doesn't have to load in a perfectly

Vimeo Video iFrame - On Mobile fill Screen (Hide Sides with Pan over Video)

I developing a website with a video as a hero image which is always fullscreen. Easy thing on desktop. Video is hosted on VIMEO. But now the hard part. On mobil

Is there a way to animate when div is visible on viewport using

I want to animate div only when div is visible on viewport using At this point it animates div even when its not in viewport which is nor

MIME type ('text/html') not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled in Django Web Application

I am hosting a Django web application on a cPanel web hosting server. I have the application up and running however it is not applying the CSS stylesheets to my

How do i center this columns with the content floating to the left?

I would like the two col's to be centered if I have a window larger than 1024pix width and be responsive. I've tried a few things, but unfortunately I'm no long

How do I prevent Edge from showing the visual search icon when users hover over an image?

Microsoft Edge (v100.0.1185.29) seems to have recently added a new hover icon(visual search) to all images over a certain size on a webpage. This option is also

Zoom image in/out on mouse point using wheel with transform origin center. Need help in calculation

CONTEXT : My requirement is to do image transformations like scale, rotate and translate with user actions on an image. Rotation and translation of image is don

Declare new height and width for every new page on added jspdf using javascript

var doc = new jsPDF('px','px', [388, 2401]); var width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth; var height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight; doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG'

How to create custom CSS classes using MUI v5 theme?

I am using MUI v5 in my application along with react-d3-tree which renders SVG tree charts. It offers an API to include custom CSS class names in the <path&g

Problems with the attribute "placeholder" of an <p:inputText tag when the value of the inputText is empty

I am using JSF Mojarra 2.3.9.SP02 with PrimeFaces 7.0 running on Wildfly 17 with the PrimeFaces's own Sapphire template. I have a severe problem with one <p

React Background Image Change Animation

I'm working on a weather app with ReactJS, what i'm trying to do is have a slideshow of images for my background, the images will be full screen, fading from on

VS Code syntax highlighting for template string css? (Emotion)

How do I enable syntax highlighting for emotion template string css in VS Code? All the plugins I find are for snippets. It works with css({ camelCaseCssProps:.