Please I need to delete and repost my old posts on WordPress so that they can be reindexed by search engines like new content. I don't want to manually do it. P
I want to create a page using wp_insert_post but set the page to have Elementor content. Here is the code I have: // Create post object $my_post = array( 'p
Now it's showing like this: now it's showing like this I want it to look like this: I want it to look like this
I have created two custom archive pages: archive-one.php and archive-two.php. Archive pages are placed inside main catalog of my theme. Now what I trying to do
I really don't know what's the issue. I think my code is OK but the output is wrong. I don't know anything about WordPress, please help me. elseif ($_GET['searc
I am running a query loop and want that 'if' the post has a featured image, it needs to be inside a <figure> tag. But the featured image's <img> tag
I've a Wordpress site hosted in WPEngine. I'm running a react application inside Wordpress using ReactPress plugin. - this
How to show in the archive page TITLE, the number of products, in WooCommerce? Thanks!
How to show in the archive page TITLE, the number of products, in WooCommerce? Thanks!
I have uploaded a custom font to my wordpress site and changed the font family everywhere. However, the wp-login.php page's font will not change. I have tried e