Category "heroku-cli"

Heroku CLI not working after update to macOS Monterey 12.2

I updated my macOS from Catalina to Monterey 12.2 a few days ago, and am no longer able to access Heroku from the command line (using zsh). Normally, running he

Heroku - Error during git push/deployment, The same version of this code has already been built

I have a problem deploying my springboot application to Heroku. After running git push heroku master, I am encountering the error below: [INFO] ----------------

Using heroku pg:backups:restore to Import to Heroku Postgres

I am trying to copy a local PostgreSQL database to Heroku per this article. Here is what I have done: 1. Make a dump file pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h loc

Using heroku pg:backups:restore to Import to Heroku Postgres

I am trying to copy a local PostgreSQL database to Heroku per this article. Here is what I have done: 1. Make a dump file pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h loc

How to push React with .Net core application to heroku?

I have completed making one application using react in front end and .net core at backend. Now I need to publish this repository to heruko. Locally, when I do d

Why is heroku giving error code H81 on deployment of react app

Im deploying full stack react app to heroku. I followed the steps provided on heroku using the cli -logged in using my credentials -ran heroku create -added

I'm try to deploy my django project in Heroku by use Heroku CLI I face installation error

Everything goes right till I run this command: git push heroku master I get this massages: git push heroku master Enumerating objects: 55, done. Counting objec

Host heroku changes with each code loaded or when reloading the service

I have an application on heroku and I try to connect and fetch information from a remote database. I need to give permission on that remote database, informing

State changed from up to crashed in Heroku

I am getting the following error on Heroku logs: 2018-10-29T00:48:34.198959+00:00 heroku[reminder.1]: State changed from up to crashed 2018-10-29T00:48:59.8556

Heroku Login timing out on Win64

I have installed the Heroku CLI for Win 64 platform and am using Git Bash. When entering the command heroku login or heroku login -i the program asks for any ke