Category "dagger"

"Repeats modules with scoped bindings or declarations .. with scopes: @javax.inject.Singleton" Dagger 2

I'm trying out the Hilt DI in my test project. I've the following module that's installed in SingletonComponent which in terms of Android is applicationComponen

Expose Dagger provided dependencies through component or module in multi-module app?

I am looking for some guidance on the best code structure for dagger in multi module android apps. Lets say we have featureModuleA and featureModuleB, both of w

Dagger2 @Provides annotation order issue

Say I have MapperModule like below: @Module public class MapperModule { @Singleton @Provides public static ObjectMapper provideObjectMapper () {

Dagger2 @Provides annotation order issue

Say I have MapperModule like below: @Module public class MapperModule { @Singleton @Provides public static ObjectMapper provideObjectMapper () {

How to inject data class in android with dagger where data class parameter have no default value?

My data class like: data class Animal(var id:Int = 2) { } My Provides method in module class like: @Provides @Singleton fun provide():

Dagger 2 component not generated

In my module, in my base Application class component = DaggerCompClassComponent.builder() .classModule(new ModuleClass()).build(); it can no

Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat

Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat

Modules that need to be instantiated by Hilt must have a visible, empty constructor

@Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) class WheelModule constructor(val size:Int) { @Provides fun provideWheel():Wheel = Wheel(size) } Module