Category "spring-aop"

Spring proxy: BeanPostProcessor or AOP?

We can create proxy for the target bean in the postProcessAfterInitialization() method of BeanPostProcessor. Or we can use AOP - and proxy will also be created

Returning proper value from @AfterThrowing

I am new to String, SpringBoot. Can we suppress thrown exception in a method annotated with @AfterThrowing? I mean when an exception is thrown, it will suppres

Is it possible to get the return value and method arguments from the same advice in Spring AOP?

Is it possible to get the return value and method arguments from the same advice in Spring AOP? I am trying to implement some login based on return value and th

Spring AOP with Mock, Spy. AspectJProxyFactory cannot addAspect Mock instance

I am trying unit tests where an aspect class works well while unit testing. Situtation. upgrade Spring Boot from 1.5.9 -> 2.3.1. Mockito, Junit frameworks ar

Spring AOP with Mock, Spy. AspectJProxyFactory cannot addAspect Mock instance

I am trying unit tests where an aspect class works well while unit testing. Situtation. upgrade Spring Boot from 1.5.9 -> 2.3.1. Mockito, Junit frameworks ar

Get Request/Response Body&Header in Spring AOP

I want to get request/response body and header within my aspect before and after if it's available or how to get those . I mean i think with before annotation

Spring AOP does not intercept Feign.Client calls

I'm trying to use Spring AOP to intercept Feign.Client calls and log request and response to my Splunk Server. All methods in my project package are intercepted

Spring. Registering Aspect with @Bean

I need some help with creating Aspect bean. I have module A, B... and module starter-x. I have a couple of Aspects declared in module starter-x, and configura

How does this execution pointcut expression work?

I came across an answer from @kriegaex , which I am unable to comprehend. The pointcut expression I am trying to understand is the following @Around("executio