Category "data-structures"

How to recursively insert elements into a binary tree and keep it balanced java?

I am doing a project for class and am stuck on trying to develop this method. Would anyone be able to give me an example? The instructions for the method are be

Which data structure can act like a circular queue?

The picture above has 25 action points such that: Each of the four corners of each of the three layers is an action point. The midsection of each of the four s

Insert and Delete element on Circular Queue

I'm studying about circular queue in data structure . As you can see from the code below, I try to delete a specific data and insert data on Circular queue. How

How to create a path drawing algorithm to display specific landmarks of a face mesh in Landmark Detection with Tensorflow.JS and React?

I have currently implemented a version of this tutorial: Real Time AI Face Landmark Detection in 20 Minutes with Tensorflow.JS and React It demonstrates how to

How to get original array from random shuffle of an array

I was asked in an interview today below question. I gave O(nlgn) solution but I was asked to give O(n) solution. I could not come up with O(n) solution. Can you

Minimum moves to transform a list so that each element equals its own frequency

Given a sorted array like [1,2,4,4,4]. Each element in the array should occur exactly same number of times as element. For Example 1 should occur 1 time, 2 shou

How to map key/value pairs of a "map" in JavaScript?

How to map key/value pairs of a "map" in JavaScript: var map = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}; alert(JSON.stringify(map)); I need to get an mapper containing key/

How to convert List to Map?

Recently I have conversation with a colleague about what would be the optimal way to convert List to Map in Java and if there any specific benefits of doing so.

How do I extract and process all the files in a zipfile?

I want to extract and process all the files in a zipped file? import re import zipfile import pathlib import pandas as pd # Download mHealth dataset def parse

heapify VS build heap

Can you please confirm the meaning of the concept 'heapify', the source I am learning from says that heapify is building a heap from an array (from scratch) Thi

Find the max value of the same length nails after hammered

I'm trying to solve this problem: Given an array of positive integers, and an integer Y, you are allowed to replace at most Y array-elements with lesser val

Transform the following infix expression to postfix form (using stacks)

guys please its due asapp Transform the following infix expression to postfix form (using stacks). (A + 2) * (B - C + D * E) + F

Get simplified dictionary from a dict of dicts with Ansible

I have the following data structure: site_subnets: control: { network: "", mtu: "1500", vm_start_offset: 0, dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "5

Show total number of selected filters array of items in React

I have the following problem. In widgetFilters array (length===3) i want to show the numbers of selected items in the header of the Filter. const [selectedFil

how to convert binary heap sort to d_ary heap sort?

Hi I have an algorithm that uses binary tree to heapify and then sort the list i need to convert this sort algorithm to change into d-heap or d-ary heap or k-ar

Why do we need stacks when we already have so many data structures

Why do we need stacks when we already have so many data structures that can also handle managing data in reverse directions [linked list & vectors]? What's

Diagonal difference of a nested List C#

I'm trying to get from a function the absolute difference of a nested list. I have a fixed matrix, and I would like to get the result when is not fixed. At the

converting each element from string to int in nested list in python [duplicate]

I have data in python with nested lists, a part of which looks like: data = [['214', '205', '0', '14', '710', '1813494849', '0'], ['214', '204

I started learning DSA ,while writing code for stack DS in c++ , I came across this error

I started learning DSA ,while writing code for stack DS in c++ , I came across this error. So, while I was trying fixing it , I get to know that when I am using

What's the point of the colors in red/black trees?

We know AVL trees are better for searching and red-black trees are better for insertion and deletion because they require lesser rotations, but what is the need