Category "data-visualization"

Problems while plotting time series against user logins?

I have a large pandas dataframe, which is a log of user ids that login in a website: id datetime 130 2018-05-17 19:46:18 133 2018-05-17 20:5

Stacking multiple plots, vertically with the same x axis but different Y axes in R

I have a data.frame with multiple time series vectors against a date:time vector. I would like to plot all of the relevant vectors, vertically stacked on separa

How to create a grouped bar chart in Altair?

How does one create a grouped bar chart in Altair? I'm trying the following but it is just producing two graphs side by side. Chart(data).mark_bar().encode(

View a table with a lot of columns (50)

I was wondering if you know some tools to help to display a table with around 50 columns. Let's imagine we have 4 row and 50 columns: if we use Excel and dezoom

large graph visualization with python and networkx

I am having trouble with large graph visualization in python and networkx. The graph is wish to visualize is directed, and has an edge and vertex set size of 21