Category "datetime"

pd.read_csv - dates in pandas multiindex column names

I import a csv file into a pandas dataframe. df=pd.read_csv('data.csv',index_col=[0],header=[0,1]) My data has a column multiindex with two levels. Level(0) co

How long does Lambda function store its variable value?

I created a lambda script just to understand how long a lambda script stores its variable value. Prior to this, my understanding was that it only stores until t

Python in cygwin console is incorrect

If you could help me understand why: From Cygwin terminal: This is correct: $ date Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:19:07 PM This is also correct: $ date --utc Wed, Sep 2

SQL Runner (Google Looker) change date format in query

This topic has been covered several times but I can't find a solution that applies to SQL Runner, which is the custom query portion of Google's Looker platform.

Add a new record for each missing row in a DataFrame with TimeStamp without replacing the original records

Be the next Pandas DataFrame: | date | counter | |-------------------------------------|------------------| | 2

Pandas - Take value n month before

I am working with datetime. Is there anyway to get a value of n months before. For example, the data look like: dft = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(100, 1),

how to create time slots in flutter/dart

I'm trying to create a list of time slots for building an appointment-related app. For example, build-time slots from 8 AM TO 10 PM with a 30-minute gap between

Python arrow get list of years between date range

I have this function: def function(start_date_arrow=None,end_date_arrow=None, date_concept=None): list=[getattr(date, date_concept) for date in arrow.Arrow.

gin/golang gin-gonic does not parse time.Time properly for unix json?

I cannot find the way to execute this code properly with UNIX: package main import ( "time" "" "net/http" ) type Things struct

Python Convert YYYYMMDD string to YYYY-MM-DD string Without Using Datetime

How can I convert a string such as: '20190501' To a string such as: '2019-05-01' Without first converting to datetime, for example: from datetime import

how can i filter data between two time i am using date time field for it in django rest framework

I am trying to filter my data with a date-time field, but in my case its not working. So please someone suggest to me how can I filter my date with time start_t

How can I tell if DateTime.Now() is on a day AFTER a different DateTime

I'm running this on flutter, but I guess this could be a more general issue. I am saving a DateTime in the preferences. I want to be able to then tell if DateT

Convert string date format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSS to timestamp presto

I have a string that looks like: 2022-03-30 17:18:09.569000 I am trying to convert this to a timestamp as follows: select "date_parse"("date_format"('2022-03-3

Add a new record for each missing second in a DataFrame with TimeStamp [duplicate]

Be the next Pandas DataFrame: | date | counter | |-------------------------------------|--------------

how to set plt.xlimit with date and time

I can only set the x axis limit to a certain date, but not with hours, minutes seconds. My code looks like this: plt.figure() plt.plot(,sig,'b-') plt.x

How to fix ParserError: year 0 is out of range: 0000-00-00 with Python Pandas to_datetime method

I am trying to convert a column "travel_start" to a datetime object. Dashboard["travel_start"] = pd.to_datetime(Dashboard["travel_start"]) But I get the fol

How to work with gas days in a C# project?

A gas day is defined as a time range of 24 hours which starts at 5:00 UTC and ends at 5:00 UTC of the following day during the European standard time. During th

Luxon setZone not working when getting epoch time (valueOf)

I have been trying to use Luxon to get (for comparison reasons) the epoch miliseconds from two DateTimes in different timezone. I'm using the .valueOf() method

Time difference between two time showing wrong values in js

I want to check time difference between two times and get difference in minutes, using javascript and my time format is 12 hrs with am/pm for example : compar

Fill missing date and time in Python (pandas)

I have a large data set, a sample is given below. The data is recorded for 1 day with 5-min interval for 24 hours for 3214 unique ids. The time and date informa