Category "imagepicker"

The method 'copy' isn't defined for the type 'PickedFile'

After i upgraded Flutter i followed all the steps for migration code and now i get this error, can't use to .Copy. class ImageInput extends StatefulWidget { f

ImagePicker.platform shows warning - Flutter

I am using the following code to pick an image from user's gallery. Future getImageFromGallery(BuildContext context) async { await ImagePicker.platform()

Trouble asking for permission with Expo Image Picker

I am trying to use Expo-image-picker with a react-native application. Here is my code: const openCamera = async () => { const permissionResult = await Im

Flutter : PlatformException(no_available_camera, No cameras available for taking pictures., null, null)

guys! I am facing this camera version. It happened after I merged my projects. It says there is no camera available but back then it was running fine. Please ha

How do ask a permission for open a gallery in android phones using flutter

I have using image_picker: ^0.8.4+11 for open a gallery. I need to ask a permission for open a gallery. In iOS it ask a permission to open a gallery but Android

Rename a file/Image in flutter

I am picking a image from gallery/taking a photo using image_picker: ^0.6.2+3 package. File picture = await ImagePicker.pickImage( maxWidth: 800, imageQual