I have a VCL application that works fine with D10.4. Created with D11, all elements of the form are displayed greatly enlarged at runtime. Depending on the proj
I am trying to do a small application (hello world for start) for accesing binance API with Delphi 10.3 using TRESTClient. Here is the code: procedure TfrmMain.
when implementing an Event with the definition below Spring4D will add and invoke method but will not remove handler ( with IEvent<TaskItemChangeEvent>.Re
I have a TScrollBox with a bunch of TPanels with some TButtons generated at runtime. I need to delete the TPanel when one TButton is clicked but doing that in O
Ok so i generate an img in c# and save it as follows: ... using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bitMap.Save(ms, System.Drawi
What is the difference between TADOQuery and TADOTable? first example int number = 0; Query->SQL->Clear(); Query->SQL->Add("SELECT number FROM Param
I've seen examples in C# where people disabled security (so the user doesn't have to click continue on cert errors) in WebView2 by changing the CoreWebView2Envi
i'm trying disconnect a socket at AcceptExHookProc routine. i hooked AcceptEx at .dll and injected at .exe app who i want disconnect socket if ip connected at s
Both files were not found during the compile process on one dedicated system with Delphi 10.4 and Windows 11. The complete project has been compiled w/o problem
I want to use LiveBindings to connect a database table to a StringGrid, but I don't want to use the LiveBindings Designer, I want to do it manually via code. Th
I am a retired disabled programmer who is battling to publish a simple but fun game to the application store. I am using the Delphi community edition version 10
I follow the instruction in RSP-12931: Native resolution not supported on iPAD Pro to create an iOS LaunchScreen for my Delphi app. Now, with iOS 13, the proble
How does one set the height of A TGridLayout to be set based off the amount of items in the grid ? I have a grid with products in it which the user can purchase
I have a following function to generate random passwords: function GeneratePassword(ALength: Integer; Mode: TPasswordMode): string; const cLower = 'abcdefgh
I am using TComPort v6.0 from Winsoft to connect to my COM5 device which is a customer display from Oxhoo.(Prolific PL2303 USB-to-Serial Com Port) I would like
I have added FastMM4 to my project for detect a memory leak program MyProg; uses {$IFDEF DEBUG} FastMM4, {$ENDIF} ...other uses on form close FastM
I have a string like this: ;EncoderMin:250;EncoderMax:5755;MinPixel:-240;MaxPixel:980; Given a function that returns a variant type and accepts as parameters
I'm writing a program for mathematical research. Assembly language is used for speed. Data is represented as managed records with operator overloads. Some data
I use the following code to save & load my Form: public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure BeforeDestruction; override; var
I'm a Highschool student working with Delphi 2010 and currently working on a projects. I'm having some trouble using a variable assigned a value on one form, on