Category "delphi"

Delphi 10 Seattle IDE assertion failure when debugging project

I'm working on a project using Delphi 10 Seattle with Update 1. It's a new installation on a Windows 10(64bit) box. When I debug the program, I get this strange

Delphi and FireMonkey WebBrowser Callback using file://

I am using 10.2.2 Tokyo Enterprise and FireMonkey's TWebBrowser in an App. I wish to receive a callback response, but I don't receive a URL back when the Should

Save OLE Embedded documents in Outlook email to file

I am using late binding to connect to MS Outlook and to open and extract info from outlook emails using the MailItemobject. I am trying to save attachments to f

How to remove the top bar from a resizable form on Windows 10?

I am trying to remove title-bar of a form while keeping the border to have a resizable form. I set the BorderStyle to bsNone and override the CreateParams proce

Building windows store application in Delphi 11 failing

I'm trying to build an Ad Hoc Windows Store application in Delphi 11 (MSIX), but I'm getting an error when I try to build the MSIX file. [PAClient Error] Error

Delphi Kiosk mode template issue with C++ Builder (can find xml)

I could desperately use some help with finding out why Embarcadero's Android Kiosk Lock mode template is having issues deploying. I have C++ Builder 11.0 Alexa

Jpeg to Bmp conversion takes unreasonable amount of time

I have this function that takes 4.2 seconds to convert a jpg to bmp. Why it takes so long? Can I make if faster? IrfanView loads and converts the file in only a

How to wait that all anonymous thread are terminated before closing the app?

I encounter an awkward problem. In my app I often do TThread.createAnonymousThread( procedure .... end).start The problem I have is that when I close t

WaitForMultipleObjects always returns a pipe read handle as signaled

My question is: How to use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait until there is something the be read from an anonymous pipe? The code below is a minimal reproducible

Delhi TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL - how to configure CONNECT parameters

I watch the CONNECT request in Fiddler: CONNECT HTTP/1.1 Pragma: no-cache Connection: keep-alive Host: Accept: text/html,application/xht

Getting EOleSysError Class not registered but don't know which DLL is missing - Delphi XE

Running a program on a machine that doesn't have the IDE I get this error. I understand that the problem is a missing or unregistered DLL or OCX. Lots of posti

Sending e-mail with Indy doesn't show attachment in Outlook

I have the following problem. I've created a Windows service that sends e-mail with .xls attachments. If I open the e-mail with Windows Live Mail or Web Mail, i

Change the entire font name of all dialogs (part 2) [duplicate]

Based on this post, Change the entire font style of all dialogs How to change the font text of the entire installer in Graphical Installer? Wh

How to add touch effect to TRectangle in Delphi Firemonkey / Android app?

I want to add touch effect animation (expanding circe) to a TRectangle. Same kind of effect that is present on TButtons by default - when you put a finger on th

How do I use Not in a If statement with more than one condition

Working on a old legacy code using VB or delphi, do not know for sure. I am trying to write-- if itemA does not equal 111 OR itemA does not equal 222 then futu

EInsufficientRTTI exception with message 'Insufficient RTTi available to support this operation'

Trying to convert an object to JSON at run time, I'm getting insufficient RTTI Error. The object is: {$M+} {$TYPEINFO ON} {$METHODINFO ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METH

How to convert text data into an Image?

Once you load and image into a component, I can see that Delphi store the image data on DFM, . Example: object img1: TImage Left = 71 Top = 2 Width = 18

Getting closed caption data files from YouTube V3 API (in Delphi)

When you upload a video to YouTube, it automatically transcribes it and creates three different CC (closed-caption) files. They can be downloaded via the YT Cre

Decompiling Delphi .dcu to .pas

I'm running RAD Studio Delphi XE2. Something strange appears to have been done to one of my .pas files. Many of the lines from my unit1.pas have been replaced w

Pascal 'Split' Function

I am coding a little program in pascal and I have run into a small problem. In other languages there is a function named 'split' or 'explode' to take a long str