Category "discord"

How can I deny @everyone and allow the author to view the channel?

I've been tinkering around with this for a while, and I have never done permission based channel creation. I am working on a ticket function for my bot and I ca

Single action script for discord bot with python

I understand that usually the discord bots are in a listening (blocking) loop, but how can I create a function that connects, send a message or perform any acti

Discord.js Is there any way to get all users to separate variables?

Is there any way to get all id's of users in one server to separate variables?

replit discord await channel.connect() error

This is my discord bot source on replit import discord import discord.ext from time import sleep import os client = discord.Client() @client.event async def o

Can't Connect Mongoose to MongoDB - There is no established connection with mongoose and a mongoose connection is required

I was looking around in Discord.JS and creating a bot, but every time I want to turn on the bot, ( using node index.js) this error happens: throw new Error("Th, json | temprole command

So I have this temp role command and I have made it to save the member id and time for the role in a JSON file so the command can't be run on a single member tw

Discord js <@userid> doesn't work correctly

I would like to know if its possible to tag user inside message. For example:'display and tag user <@426369340> , thanks!').then(msg =

How to make a music bot join the voice call

So i have been seeing many youtube vids and got a working code but I cannot find the error in my code import discord from discord import Embed from itertools im

i can`t repair this err: BITFIELD_INVALID

const { MessageEmbed } = require(`discord.js`) const Discord = require("discord.js"); const nodemon = require("nodemon"); const client = new Discord.Client({

My bot sending multiple messages, discord.js

To explain briefly, the code is to make already existing buttons after restart of the bot usable again, I store for this the channelId and the messageId. Howeve disconnect from voice channel

So I was making a bot in which joins a voice channel and disconnects from it after a delay of 3 seconds, just to test how to make it disconnect. I ha

MySQL Query in Discord.js returns "unkown"

I've improved my code a lot over the past few days but I'm finally stuck. My query is returning "unknown". I've attached the code and a screenshot of the databa

Making a say command in

I want to make a simple say command in (ex.!say something - the bot says "something" and deletes the command message) but every code I found doesn't

How to access certain parts of a Discord input

I am quite new to the discord library in python and have currently made a discord bot. I have an idea for a few commands that vary the users input. e.g ~TEST 4

Cannot implicitly convert type 'DSharpPlus.CommandsNext.CommandsNextExtension' to 'DSharpPlus.CommandsNext.CommandsNextConfiguration'

I try to make a discord bot in c# with plugin d# and I have this error that shouldn't exist I watch a tutorial and I copy the code so it should work public cla

I want my discord bot to send a random message to a text room given by user [by channel id or channel name]

so what I am trying to do is when a user write a command such as !setchannel #test or !setchannel 86xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx then the bot will send the random messages

Discord Bot unable to send messages

I'm developing a discord bot, but I'm having some problems that I've never had. My discord bot is unable to send messages. The bot doesn't contain any deprecate

builder error: 'openssl/rand.h' not found [Windows 10]

I'm learning Vlang and I want to make a simple discord bot with it, so I tried with but I had error I fixed. But finally

Discord bot wont respond to messages sent in dms

I have setup all of the required intents including DIRECT_MESSAGES though the client messageCreate event doesn't appear to be picking up the command and respond

discord bot: client.start(Token) not working

trying to run a discord bot this is the code import discord from discord.ext import commands TOKEN: str = "Token" client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '.')