Category "discord"

Color codes for

I found it a bit difficult and annoying to change colors in (embed color for instance). I made a class for the different color codes to use in discor

Python/Discord --I'm making a discord bot but having some problems with the os module:

This is my code which caused errors when added: if message.content == "ID start": dir=(r'C:\\Users\\User\Desktop\User Profiles') file =

403 Forbidden (error code: 50001): Missing Access when adding role |

I am trying to ass different roles to people rapidly to give users the impression of their name being rainbow ( yes I know its against TOS ), and I am starting

How to track the number of command uses and mentions by the user?

I just wanted to know if there's a way to count how many times a command has been used in my Discord server like on screenshot. I'm new with coding. I used dis

Is there a way of creating more than 3 inlined fields in a discord.js embeded message?

I am trying to create an embed for a discord bot using node.js. I want the embed to have 4 inlined fields so that there effectively are 4 columns with and an ar

Get Discord ping message/Windows 10 popup notification

Assuming that someone @everyone or @Ping Role on one of my Discord server. There will be a pop-up for Windows 10 for the ping. Are there any way to get that pin

Nextcord Slash Command | nextcord.errors.HTTPException: 400 Bad Request (error code: 50035): Invalid Form Body

I was migrating my bot from to nextcord and I changed my help command to a slash command, but it kept showing me this error: nextcord.errors.HTTPExc

Button Interaction Fails after sometime |

I have created button roles using and they work pretty well but after some time the interaction gets failed it works well for some time but la

Send Discord Embed to Webhook with XHR Request

I am writing a chrome extension in which an embed should be sent to a discord webhook. In chrome extensions, you can't import modules, so I must use XMLHttpRequ

How to convert guild.permissions number into an array of persmissions discord.js oauth2

I need to verify if a user logging into the website has sufficient permissions to modify my bot's behavior on a guild. I used passport-discord to get informatio

How to check if a bot can DM a user

If a user has the privacy setting "Allow direct messages from server members" turned off and a discord bot calls await user.dm_channel.send("Hello there") You'

Discord/Twitter/others preview for link not working

So I've been trying to make a preview for my website images, on and I've asked few people and they tried to help me but it didn't work. So the