I have a Django app deployed in Docker containers. I have 3 config environnements: dev, preprod and prod. dev is my local environnement (localhost) and preprod/
With Django 1.8 I used Django-celery to run asynchronous tasks and I was able to debug them in my IDE (either PyCharm or Eclipse+PyDev) just launching "python c
If I run celery manually, from within my django app's virtual environment, it works: (hackerspace) 90158@hackerspace:~/hackerspace/src$ celery -A hackerspace_o
If we use celery beat and run about 1000 tasks by same crontab schedule, will tasks run one by one or some tasks will not run (cause of out of time)? redis as M
I'm trying to write a Celery(v. 4.2.1) integration test for my Django(v. 2.2.3) application. There is a bunch of outdated articles about this around, but non o
I've installed rabbitmq and it's running. I've successfully add_user as well as add_vhost. But in the next step of the documentation it says to set_permissions
I am trying to add celery + redis to my django app hosted on DO App Platform. I understand there is an issue I need to work around that is documented here: http