I've started DynamoDB in Docker: docker run --network xxx --name dynamodb -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local I've created a table: aws dynamodb create-table
I create Laravel PHP application in Docker. First I setup Laravel app using laravel new laravelDockerApp it creates successfully.I verify
For clarification, when I say base image, I mean the parent image that has all the common configurations, so that the children based on it don't need to downloa
I am using adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre base image for java and trying below instruction inside my Dockerfile, RUN wget -O dd-java-agent.jar "https://repos
I am using docker for windows and I noticed my c drive was getting full. When i looked I noticed that there is 15 gb of data here: Docker/windowsfilter. I use d
I'm not referring to more sophisticated debugging techniques, but how to get access to the same kind of error messages that are normally directed to terminal ta
my docker builds started failing today and I can't seem to figure out exactly how to fix it. Compiling locally is still working. When I try to create a containe
Consider the following Dockerfile. On the last lines, first git is installed, and then something is appended to the path environment variable. FROM mcr.microsof
My Java process is stuck and hogging a lot of CPU on the VM. I am trying to get to the root of the issue by getting a heapdump. This process is running in a doc
I've created a custom user using my Dockerfile. Here is my Dockerfile: FROM python:3.7-alpine3.10 # Make /opt/ working directory in docker container. WORKDIR /
I have a legacy Django project (django-1.1.29) and some tests in pytest (pytest-4.3.0), all running inside Docker. The database is PostgreSQL 10 and is a docker
Through docker-compose.yml I am able to run the application. Now we want to move the application to production, But we don't want to use the container database.
This is my Dockerfile codes: FROM node:16.10-alpine3.12 as base RUN apk update RUN apk add git WORKDIR /app COPY package.json . FROM base as builder RUN npm i
I'm trying to build a PHP 5.3/Apache for local use using a Dockerfile that starts: FROM php:5.3-apache RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \
I need to serve containerized keycloak behind Nginx. Keycloak runs without any problem at 'localhost:8080' but when I try to access it through the reverse proxy
Consider following scenario. I have 2 containers on 2 different networks with the same alias app. $ docker network create net1 $ docker network create net2 $ do
I'm trying to setup docker with WSL 2 to run a Dockerfile. I downloaded Docker Desktop, and when I tried to follow the quick start guide, I got the following er
I'm following https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Apache-Kafka-Series---Kafka-Connect-Hands-on-Learning and I've below docker-compose file and using Mac. version
I am trying to deploy my docker image in AWS ECS. I have created the ECR repository and done all required steps till pushing the image to ECS. My docker-compose
I have upgraded API project from .NET 5 to .NET 6 successfully and running fine when executed locally (without Docker). I have also updated the version in Docke