Category "draftjs"

How to change the font size of the bullets of an unordered list item in draftjs?

I have a rich text editor built using draftjs. I implemented the functions for changing the font size, font family, and color of the text in the editor. I also

Draft.js Mention Plugin is not working after rendering contentState to the editor

I am using mentions with the draft.js (like this @yourname) and sending to the database to save and fetching it to render on the web page but things are not wor

Draft.js headers do not get rendered properly

I have a next.js environment with tailwind installed and a simple draft.js Text Editor. In my Toolbar Component I toggle inline style and block styles. Everythi

Draft JS Header Toggles Not Working With Tailwind CSS

I am using Draft Js for Rich text editor in my react project that uses tailwind. H1-H6 have no effect when toggled on texts. The other block types (blockquote,

react-draft-wysiwyg Default Value Style doesn't load

I am not able to load default value style in React-draft-wysiwyg . Codesandbox Link: Editor what I tried ? I am using react-draft-wysiwyg library for editor and