I'm trying to give the end-user an option on the UI to reset MFA if the end-user loses access to the device they've been using. I want to change the user.challa
I've 2 different reactJs applications which can be deployed independently to aws-amplify. Is there a way I can configure them to the different context paths of
I am planning to use AWS Amplify as a backend for a mobile application. The App consists of two User Types (UserTypeA,UserTypeB). They have some common data poi
Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun
Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun
When migrating to EAS, I was reading the Migration Docs and saw that EAS builds are requiring the entire defaultConfig from expo/metro-config. I was having a to
I upgraded Amplify CLI, but I discovered in my amplify/backend/backend-config.json file has disappeared after taking a day to discovered that. Then I have tried
In other words, does amplify take care automatically to allocate your website static resources in edge locations? It does so many things for you that, at some p
Using AWS-VAULT with 4 profiles in my ~/.aws/config file. 3 assume roles profiles and the main. when running say, amplify push, I get an error as follows: Faile
so the default "I looked all over...etc", but no luck. My problem is I can't seem to download or access my s3 objects through my client. I can't access it as th
I have a React-native project with AWS Amplify. In the root directory, there is an amplify folder. Inside this amplify folder, there is a backend folder, an
I have a React-native project with AWS Amplify. In the root directory, there is an amplify folder. Inside this amplify folder, there is a backend folder, an
I work with Amplify/graphQl transformer V2, I try to do the same things like the official documentation of Amplify : https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/graphql/data-m
I use Datastore from Aws-amplify. I have a problem .The problem occurs only when app opens for the first time(when I wipe data of device/reinstall ). Data is lo
I tried to deploy vuestorefront (nuxtjs app) into AWS Amplify according https://docs.amplify.aws/guides/hosting/nuxt/q/platform/js/ My amplify.yml contains: ver
I use "amazon-cognito-identity-js" javascript library to integrate Cognito for my react app. it seems that only supports email/password authentication only. I w
I get the error below when downloading an audio file from Amplify Storage on an iOS device, both Simulator and a device. It all works perfectly fine when doing
I'm having trouble in bringing nested array of objects from a single query generated by AWS Amplify CLI. I can see I get a single nested object from a single qu
How do I get in Flutter, the cognito custom user attribute for user? await Amplify.Auth.fetchUserAttributes(); returns only user attributes but not the custom
When we create the react or Nextjs application using AWS Amplify we get react components in our application in ui-component folder, but when we follow same proc