I upgraded Amplify CLI, but I discovered in my amplify/backend/backend-config.json file has disappeared after taking a day to discovered that. Then I have tried
In other words, does amplify take care automatically to allocate your website static resources in edge locations? It does so many things for you that, at some p
Using AWS-VAULT with 4 profiles in my ~/.aws/config file. 3 assume roles profiles and the main. when running say, amplify push, I get an error as follows: Faile
so the default "I looked all over...etc", but no luck. My problem is I can't seem to download or access my s3 objects through my client. I can't access it as th
I have a React-native project with AWS Amplify. In the root directory, there is an amplify folder. Inside this amplify folder, there is a backend folder, an
I have a React-native project with AWS Amplify. In the root directory, there is an amplify folder. Inside this amplify folder, there is a backend folder, an
I work with Amplify/graphQl transformer V2, I try to do the same things like the official documentation of Amplify : https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/graphql/data-m
I use Datastore from Aws-amplify. I have a problem .The problem occurs only when app opens for the first time(when I wipe data of device/reinstall ). Data is lo
I tried to deploy vuestorefront (nuxtjs app) into AWS Amplify according https://docs.amplify.aws/guides/hosting/nuxt/q/platform/js/ My amplify.yml contains: ver
I use "amazon-cognito-identity-js" javascript library to integrate Cognito for my react app. it seems that only supports email/password authentication only. I w
I get the error below when downloading an audio file from Amplify Storage on an iOS device, both Simulator and a device. It all works perfectly fine when doing
I'm having trouble in bringing nested array of objects from a single query generated by AWS Amplify CLI. I can see I get a single nested object from a single qu
How do I get in Flutter, the cognito custom user attribute for user? await Amplify.Auth.fetchUserAttributes(); returns only user attributes but not the custom
When we create the react or Nextjs application using AWS Amplify we get react components in our application in ui-component folder, but when we follow same proc
I am trying to get an AWS Amplify generated graphqlEndpoint into a lambda function in Amplify. Currently I have an environment variable set in the function's c
I have an aws amplify project which is using yarn workspaces. My project has a lambda function and a layer. When the lambda function runs in aws it needs to imp
Am writing a KMM mobile app that will be calling an AppSync API, my intention was to implement all the API calls in the shared module so that I don't have to wr
I am trying to exclude one single page from amplify authenticator that I am using in my react app, but till now I haven't found any way to do so.I have tried wi
I'm using AWS Cognito and aws-amplify to manage user authentication. When I load up my app, I call Auth.currentSession() which seems to always return the user I
After login, AWS cognito provides access token and id token. In the backend I was wondering if I can use ID token instead of access token for authorization. Som