I have list of models that are attached to a product model, insert is working, but when updated Entity is only updating the product model and ignoring the relat
I recently switched my database from SQL Server to MySQL. I am still using Entity Framework 6 to do CRUD operation in database. When I was using SQL Server as b
I am doing some "sync" between different platform. During this sync I try to add/update/remove records. For it I'm wrapping all functionality in TransactionScop
I have a table which has column DateTime. And I want to group this by week. There are no problem to group by date or by month. But how to group by week? I need
I am trying to use JSON_ARRAYAGG(JSON_OBJECT(...)) in Entity Framework Core but I don't know much how to trick Entity Framework Core to use this function with a
My entity has a computable geography::point column (represented by DbGeography type in code) When I call a .Distinct() method on query for this entity it adds O
I need to intercept the call to the following method of DbProviderServices: DbCommandDefinition CreateDbCommandDefinition(DbProviderManifest providerManifest, D
My database contains below table in parent child relationships:- Gender->Audit->Request(All are in 1:N Relationships) I want to fetch all Genders with cor
I cannot migrate my Code First database to Azure - Error hints at permission, but I can't figure out what's missing? I have created an empty SQL-database in Azu
I cannot migrate my Code First database to Azure - Error hints at permission, but I can't figure out what's missing? I have created an empty SQL-database in Azu
In a project using Entity Framework, say I have an entity such as [Table("MyTable")] public partial class MyTable { public string FirstName { get; set; }
I have a base entity class MyCompany.Core.Model.User which is to be used for common properties of a User entity: public class User { public string Username