Category "environment-variables"

Set environmental variables from shell script in Jenkins pipeline

I have a requirement where I have a shell file ( which sets environmental variables based on conditions. My pipeline looks something like this pipeline

Executing multiple commands with ssh, including evaluation of environment variables on the remote machine

I sometimes use ssh to run multiple commands on a remote host like this: ssh my_user@my_host "command1; command2" utilizing double quotes to send both commands

Can not Access variables of .env file

In my React app, I was trying to access some variables from .env.local but every time I print It it shows undefined. // src/.env.local REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE=123

How to load environment variables from .env file using Vite

I want to load environment variables from the .env file using Vite I used the import.meta.env object as mentioned in Docs .env file: TEST_VAR=123F when trying

Set multiple PATH Variables in MacOS Big Sur (zsh)

I want to add multiple Path Variables: Dart & Pub (Doesn't work) sdkman (works) homebrew and its installations (Doesn't work) Deno (Doesn't work) Cargo &

Do you need to include export for environment variables in bash profile / zshrc?

Do you need to include export for environment variables in Bash profile / zshrc? I'm using Z shell (Zsh) for my terminal and in my .zshrc file I have the two li

Firebaseapperror: failed to parse private key: error: invalid pem formatted message

I got this error firebaseapperror: failed to parse private key: error: invalid pem formatted message when I pushed my nodejs app to heroku. I had my environment

Quasar: build with development mode

I have in quasar.conf.js env settings with something like this: env: { API_URL: ? '' : ''

Next.js 12 ( with react ): Cannot read env variables, process.env is undefined

I'm using next.js 12 with a react app. I have the following .env.local file: NEXT_PUBLIC_DEVELOPMENT_ENV_VARIABLE="public_development_variable" I start the dev

Configure CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH environment variable on windows machine using WSL Ubuntu

I have a ionic angular application. When I run 'ionic capacitor build android' from WSL I get the following errors: [INFO] Ready for use in your Native IDE!

pm2 process using the old system Environment Variables on resurrection

I have created a node application that is for subscribing to an OPC-UA server and storing the data on our s3 bucket. I am using the node-opcua module for that p

Powershell 5.0 doesn't see PATH environment variables under User account

I added an environment variable to my System Path -> C:\Program Files\TEE-CLC. After that, I expect, that I can run my foo.exe which is under C:\Program File

zsh: permission denied: /Users/macbookpro/.zshrc

I'm new in flutter I want to set flutter sdk path in Mac OS (VS code) for this I'm fallow the

Flutter - running command "flutter _____" instantly closes terminal

Dealing with some significant frustration trying to set up my environment variables just to run Flutter. in my path, I've tried many suggestions to try setting

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Set the SECRET_KEY environment variable

This project was working fine until I used environ to make SECRET_KEY and DEBUG as environment variable using environ. After I am getting this error:- The outpu

Strapi giving me DB errors in production, even though I'm using correct credentials

EDIT: I found a file at /config/database.js which is used to connect to sqlite in development. When I change the client name from sqlite to postgres, that's whe

I keep getting 'None' when getting enviroment variables

I'm trying to keep my token in an enviroment variable, so I created the file .env, and I stored the TOKEN there: TOKEN=XXX When I run my .py file, I can't get deployment on Vercel: process not defined error

I have deployed a remix application on Vercel. Further, I have defined some environment variables in Vercel and want to perform some checks and use env variable

How to pass arguments to program when using variable as path

I'm trying to start a program in a Start-job scriptblock using a variable for the path. Here is the line: $using:plinkdir\plink.exe -telnet $using:ip -P $using:

How to access .env variables in a Nuxt plugin?

Segment Analytics provides a snippet with a secret API key in it. In my Nuxt.js project I created a plugin called segment.js which I registered in my nuxt.confi