I'm trying to create an error-handling middleware, and as you can see in the image attached when I'm making the app.use((err,req,res,next) => {...}) block
I want to use python notebook, igraph package to draw picture, example code is here( which i think is right) !pip install cairocffi import cairocffi as cairo
This is the huge error im getting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\discord\http.py", lin
Here is the code for a calculator in Python: import time #Returns the sum of num1 and num2 def add(num1, num2): return num1 + num2 #Returns the difference
I am getting the below alert on a certain interval while using VS Code have attached the SS of the same. Using VS for quite sometime but never encountered this
I have this block of code: router.post('/users/login', async (req, res) => { try { const { email, password } = req.body const user = await User.fi
I use node.js with the NET class to connect multiple Rasperry Pi's. //Server const net = require('node:net'); const server = net.createServer(); //Client c
The Jest docs do not demonstrate a way of asserting that no exception was thrown, only that one was. expect(() => ...error...).toThrow(error) How do I asse
I'm trying to send an e-mail from my Android App. With the click on a button, gmail should open and show a new email with my previously defined recipient, subje
This is my discord bot source on replit import discord import discord.ext from time import sleep import os client = discord.Client() @client.event async def o
I am sending an API request to get my oauth_token through postman. This is my request: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token?oauth_callback=oob where the
I'm having some problems with an opengl application I'm writing. GLenum err = 0; glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); err = glGetError(); if ( err != GL_NO_ERROR ) p
I'm sending API and receiving status code 400 with body I need to parse When working with RestTemplate I failed to parse response: try { ResponseEntity<
My code: import pyttsx3 #sapi5 is default windows voice api engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') print(voic
In one of the most respected stackoverflow answer I found an example of std::expected template class usages: What are coroutines in C++20? At the same time I ca
I am new to node.js. I am trying incorporate error handling in the below code. I need to throw the error if I am not passing the parameter. One is if the tag pa
I am new to node.js. I am trying incorporate error handling in the below code. I need to throw the error if I am not passing the parameter. One is if the tag pa
I'm using RabbitMQ in C# with the EasyNetQ library. I'm using a pub/sub pattern here. I still have a few issues that I hope anyone can help me with: When there
I have a docker image that starts the entrypoint.sh script This script checks if the project is well configured If everything is correct, the container starts
The default lua_pcall error handler (as of Lua 5.3) does nothing, letting the exception message remain on top of the stack. We would like to change this so we g