Category "error-handling"

binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-1022): Signature for this request is not valid. how to make limit order?

I have a script that had order buy type: MARKET, but want to change it for LIMIT and get that error. How can I solve this problem? buy_order=client.futures_crea

Async child_process.exec with TypeScript

I'm trying to use a child_process.exec call with TypeScript, and error handling seems excessively hard to get right. Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do: i

JIT compilation failed for NgModule class

Here i got an Error like JIT Compilation failed and needed to flag some -aot and etc.. stuff

confusion with cppyy for overloaded methods and error handling

I have a c++ class with several constructors: MyClass(const std::string& configfilename); MyClass(const MyClass& other); I have python bindings for thi

#DIV error in Google Sheet related to Pivot table

I am trying to fix an error in googlesheet especially related to Pivot table. Especially when I make extra calculations from the Pivot table I get the #Div erro

Twitter streaming error, 'invalid length argument'?

The code is as follows; Supplier_List <- data.frame(companies = c("company1","company2","company3")) Streamed_Tweets <- purrr::map_df(Supplier_List$compa

Handling Promise rejection with catch while using await

I am using await to make the code cleaner, but I am not sure whether I am handling exceptions correctly. An example while using azure-devops-node-api; const foo

Xcode is damaged and refuse to run the code

When I press "Build" and/or "Run" buttons in Xcode (SwiftUI), it shows me an error and I get this message: One of the paths in DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS does not

MongoNotConnectedError: MongoClient must be connected to perform this operation. How to handle this error?

cmd How can i solve this. Just showing MongoClient must be connected to perform this operation at getTopology ..... at collection.insertOne .... at maybePro

Avoid FloodWait in python

I am new to Pyrogram and I try to make subsctiption bot I want to send messages as soon as any satisfy my filters, but every time I send more than 3 messages in

I am trying to create a react app with typescript but I keep getting failed to compile on start

I am trying to create a react app with --template typescript and I keep getting this error: ERROR in Plugin "react" was conflicted between "package.json »

how to fix “Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint::number does not exist.”

When I use php artisan migrate I receive this message. Can someone help me with this? I searched on the Internet but I didn't find anything that helped me. (I a

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison : Recursive function

i dont understand why am getting this max depth error . iam trying to find index of number in array using bst recursive approach , below is my code # Binary Sea

How to suppress warning message from script when calling Set-ExecutionPolicy

I am writing a script to prepare our laptops before use. It essentially installs certificates and sets the executionpolicy to AllSigned. It gets executed by

Issue reading a variable JSON in Azure Data Factory

My pipeline receives the Path and the name of a JSON file. This is part of the flow that I created: The lookup step is used to read the JSON File and later I n

$ operator is invalid for atomic vector

I'm using rugarch::ugarchforecast to do a 1 step ahead rolling forecast. I keep getting the error message $ operator is invalid for atomic vector, but I'm not u

Best practicies global result - error handling in Asp.Net core 3 and Angular 9

According to Microsoft's recommendation, throwing and catching should not be used for the normal logic of the program. Minimize exceptions As part of a ASP.Net

How do I print a backtrace without panicking using thiserror?

I am running a Rust warp webserver and I need more descriptive error messages. I'd like to print a backtrace or something similar so I can tell where the error

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: You must `await server.start()` before calling `server.applyMiddleware()` at ApolloServer

I am trying to start my nestJs server and It keeps giving me this error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: You must await server.start() before calling s

Why can't I access the response content when the Symfony HTTP Client encounters an error, and an exception is thrown instead?

I want to make a request to retrieve user info from OAUTH server with Symfony HttpClient but I can't fetch fetch the response directly when encountering an erro