Feeling a little dumb here. I have this string http://www.example.com/foo/bar#4.png?token=1441307151_4492f25946a2e8e1414a8bb53dab8a6ba1cf4615 Because the file
I am getting empty output in the below code but when I remove the part of and I get the desired output. Can anyone clarify if there is any error in syntax of be
I would like to match a string like \code, but not when the backslash is escaped. I think that one way of doing this could be matching an odd number of backslas
Here are my attempts to replace a b character with a newline using sed while running bash $> echo 'abc' | sed 's/b/\n/' anc no, that's not it $> echo
I am trying to do an online course on Cybersecurity and one of the problems is trying to preform an sql injection. I have not been able to figure it out because
I want to check if a specific String should be escaped before really performing any escaping mechanism. for example: if the String is "msg\t" so I want to escap
Using PHP, I want to generate custom MySQL dump file (due to cannot use exec and a few other reasons). I found these 2 similar solutions: https://www.kvcodes.co
Recently I'm experimenting with logstach and Kibana on top of elastic over (web-)server logs. I tried to extract some attack signature like XSS & SQL inject
I have an input which is: %u05D0%u05DC%20%u05E2%u05DC When I run the built-in browser function (on the console for example): unescape("%u05D0%u05DC%20%u05E2%u0
I have got p element with some text. In this text in HTML code I use some "escape" characters like \n, \?, \t, etc. When I get the string in JS code, it is trea
When exposing Prometheus metrics from a legacy application, I find that some metrics contain invalid characters such as my.metric, my-metric, my:metric Instead
I understand why control characters are illegal in XML 1.0, but still I need to store them somehow in XML payload and I cannot find any recommendations about es
The printf program can be used to print binary data, e.g.: $ printf '%b' '\xff\xff' �� If I put this in a Makefile on its own, it works the same:
Forgive me if my question is stupid, I am a beginner, I found some Java code in which html components and some data were encoded and stored in array as string..
I use https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql.git library. I have a mysql db query architecture in which I can not modify the SQL query file one by one to escape each
I know this is probably going to be something very simple and it is like just a 'gotcha' that I have yet to get; however, I have been struggling with escaping t
I have my sql query which displays fields using "where" from a variable. I have my variable passed from a function string empCode which value is "!\\(" Here's
I want to have the following query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE CONTAINS (MyField, '(429)') The problem, is that the parenthesis are ignored and it is
The following script yielded an unexpected output: printf "escaped slash: \\ \n" printf "2 escaped slashes: \\\\ \n" printf "3 escaped slashes: \\\\\\ \n" prin
I can't seem to use a variable in a sed command, for example: sed "24s/.*/"$ct_tname"/" file1.sas > file2.sas I want $ct_tname the varia