I am trying to use eslint in webstorm, but it doesn't work and displays an error:ESLint: Parsing error: This experimental syntax requires enabling one of the fo
I create a React Native project the version is 0.62.2 I change eslintrc.js as below module.exports = { parser:'babel-eslint', env: { browser: true,
Linting shows errors in terminal but won't highlight the code in VS Code. ESLint extension is installed. Running nx lint: yarn run v1.22.10 $ nx lint > nx r
I added the rule: "newline-per-chained-call": [ "error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2 } ] to my .eslintrc.json file. I Also extended "plugin
I am trying to get rid of the error in relation to @vue/prettier. I have tried a few things, but it seems to throw up even more errors. My .eslintrc.js is as fo
When I'm trying to build the Next.Js app then the below error is coming with a successful build. This error is showing when I deploy the app in Vercel. error -
I am developing a sample app using Vue 3 and Typescript. Specifically, I am using the new Vue v3.2 setup option in the section of the Vue SFC. Vue docs advise
I have multiple overrides that target different file subsets, but some overlap. But eslint only seems to use the last matched override, thereby ignoring some of