Category "junit4"

Can you UnitTest Android workers that employ Hilt constructor injection

Im investigating the use of Hilt in my current Android application. api 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0-alpha02' implementation "

How to find the selected id in my List<String> ids arraylist?

Here is my code. I am trying to use JUnit to test the deleteUsers() method, but everytime I write my test, it deletes all the users that I have in the database.

how to mock UUID?

is it possible to mock UUID? or any problem in my Source Code? Look at exmaple: MyTest Class @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) @PrepareForTest({UUID.class,Ac

My JUnit tests executes with maven build in Java 11, but unable to run same Junit tests via RunIT->Run As->Units, which always says not JUnits found

My module test project is supposed to be built using Java 11 as it is referencing to a jar which is build in Java 11. Hence I had to compile my code in Java 11.

Instrumented Test not running in Android Tests Passed 0 Passed

I have been trying to run a test case , present in androidTest Package. But as i execute the test, Emulator launches and I get tests passed : 0 Passed. and gett

New code is not showing in Sonarqube Coverage on new code

I am trying to cover few lines of the code with junit test case. Though the test case is covering the lines which I found after debugging the test case, but in

Extent test report V3 (junit4) - Troubleshoot with appending test cases under 1 class into unique report

I have problem with appending tests into a test report. I just wanted to do the most basic steps, so I wrote 4 tc. When I run them and open the report, every ti

Mocking a object using powerMockito.whenNew() and using doNoting(object) but locally created object is calling actual method

public class A { public String[] processMessage(Message msg) { public boolean A(msg) { Utils utils = new Utils(); utils.meth

Test a method that use a spring service

I have a problem testing a method in Java (I use jUnit 4) and this method to test make a call to a repository and should throw an exception if something is wron

Junit (4.12) is not executing after spring-boot 2.6.2 migration

I have migrated from Spring to Spring-boot version 2.6.2. mvn clean install is successful but none of the junit(version 4.12) is executing. After few research I