Category "ffmpeg"

How to convert ffmpeg complex_filter to ffmpeg-python

I am trying to learn to convert ffmpeg command line background blur filter to ffmpeg-python format. '-lavfi' and [0:v]scale=ih*16/9:-1,boxblur=luma_radius=min(h

Problem decoding h264 over RTP TCP stream

I'm trying to receive RTP stream encoding h264 over TCP from my intercom Hikvision DS-KH8350-WTE1. By reverse engineering I was able to replicate how Hikvision

Ffmpeg won't cut excerpt of video correctly

I am using a DOS batch to automate and cut excerpts of various high definition videos (mkv's with more than 1GB each). The script is very convenient and runs fa

Why does CreateDXGIFactory occupy GPU even if I call it's release interface

First I run the following code: IDXGIFactory* pFactory; HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), (void**)(&pFactory)); if (FAILED(hr)

ffmpeg: Add multichannel audio stream (ac3 to aac)

I want my first audio stream to be stereo (by default) and my second to be multichannel (5.1 surround) in my .mp4 video. There's no problem in replacing the ste

FFmpeg library in WPF

I am building a softwere that can decode and encode using Wpf and c#, and I want to do that using, FFmpeg libary. I saw the ffmpeg autogen warpper but I couldn'

Why RTP doesn't support multiple streams to one port but RTSP does?

I use ffmpeg for streaming a video using RTP protocol. Why I can't send multiple streams to one RTP port, but RTSP that uses RTP can? I started a RTSP server th

FFmpeg pipe input, error while transcoding from WebM to MP4

I am trying to record a video from pipe input using FFMPEG. The pipe input is in WebM format i.e. the video codec is VP8 and the audio codec is OPUS. I am able

FFMPEG with moviepy

I'm working on something that concatenate videos and adds some titles on through moviepy. As I saw on the web and on my on pc moviepy works on the CPU and takes

Merge one audio file and one image file to create a video with ffmpeg

I first tried: ffmpeg -y -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -c:a copy output.mp4 but when I uploaded to video sharing websites (, it says "no video track",

FFMPEG - can you have comments in script files?

Because of batch's poor ability to handle multi-line strings, I'm using FFMPEG script files more and more for filter_complex arguments. I'm wondering if there

how to duplicate audio channel in stereo audio in video with ffmpeg

I just got a lot of video files. They all have stereo audio track - left channel and right channel. But actually, the right channel is blank, is empty. When you

How can I tell subprocess to answer "y" to a commandline question?

I'm automating an ffmpeg command but when the file exists already, it asks me if I have to "Overwrite [y/N]" and it stalls the entire script until I have to ent

using ffmpeg to convert flac to alac with cover art

I have seen a few discussions on this but none of them give the answer I was hoping for. I am trying to convert flac to alac while preserving all of the tags an

How to stream the desktop using FFMPEG , and set the output to

i am trying to use FFMPEG on windows to stream my entire desktop, through my localhost address : , and it will be accessible from another compute

How to stop ffmpeg from manipulating mp3 metadata?

I'm using ffmpeg to change bitrate of my mp3 files. It works well, but one thing is very frustrating. ffmpeg automatically changes some of metadata fields. Spe

Distinguish between MPEG-1 container and MPEG-2 container

I am looking at concrete ways to distinguish between files that use MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 containers as most of the resources that I find suggest that the start cod

FFMPEG Video not working on Social Media Platforms (Flutter-FFMPEG)

I am using Flutter-FFMPEG a Flutter library based on Mobile FFMPEG. I am creating a video from a list of .bmp images. The video works plays normally in devices

getting Missing opening '(' after keyword error in ffmpeg loop command

How can I run this command that runs in Linux in Windows 10 powershell for ffmpeg? for file in D:\input\*.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0

Audio stream size is inaccurate when encode the audio

Audio stream size is inaccurate when encode the audio. basically it's coping the original file audio information. i found someone gave answer here: https://stac